How do i insert something from the content library that does not have a DSON file?

Hi there im new to Daz and i recently got a new piece of clothing and i dont know how to insert it. It doesnt have any metadeta so doesnt appear in the smart content pannel but when i try inserting it through the content library it doesn't show up. can you help me.
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Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
What exactly do you mean by insert? Do you mean install?
I mean, add it into the scene.
sorry for the confusion
Those are in Daz studio format, but they are materials - in order for them to do anything you need the base model loaded and selected. If the product isn't purely a materials expansion for another product try looking in the Scarves folder, isntead of Scarves/Materials.
@Richard Haseltine
this is the product im dealing with
i cant find any other files in the scarves folder. is there a way of adding it to the scene.
According to the read me it should have
The file list also shows the metadata files. How did you install?
For me (installed by DIM) they show up in Smart Content under Accessories - Neck (see pic)
Note you need to have a G3F figure selected in the scene to see them.
i installed in manually and i found the files at that location but i still cant insert them onto the character
i installed it manually. ive cant find it in the accessories. could you tell me the file locations of those items.
Okay, according to the ReadMe it tells me where it is in the Content Library. Let's try that. So instead of using Smart Content, if you go to Content Library, then you can do Daz Studio Formats>Daz>People>Genesis 3 Female>Clothing>Scarves and everything will be there. Make sure your character is selected in the Scene pane. Also, since you did it manually, see if that installation path matches where it says these should be.
Scarves for Genesis 3 Female(s) (Core)
You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
“People:Genesis 3 Female:Clothing:Scarves”
“People:Genesis 3 Female:Clothing:Scarves:Materials”
Did you not install the metadata? If you copied all the files into your DS content library then look in your Runtime/Support - there should be three files for the product (an image, a .dsa and a .dsx file) - if you have them there, then you can make the files appear in Smart Content. From the Smart Content panel just click on the little icon at the top corner with four lines and an arrow, pick "Content DB Maintenance" then "Import Metadata" and either click on all the list of products there or just this one if you want.
Novica has answered the file location question already, I see.
i havnt got the file in the support file. ive got the texture but not the dsa and dsx files for it.
ive found the material folder in the scarves folder. the material folder has all the material but the scarves folder doesnt have any other files
i went back to the download file and found the support files and coppied them to the runtime folder.It works now.
thanks for the help guys
Any time.
BTW, whenever you are installing files, be sure your studio is CLOSED. Sometimes that is the problem when files don't seem to be where they should be. Sometimes refreshing helps (if studio is open) and sometimes not. Having the studio closed is just a good habit, although I will admit sometimes mine is open and then I refresh and hope for the best LOL. (If it doesn't show up, shut it down and come back in again to see if the files are there, before you assume you messed up.)
Glad you got sorted out.
thanks for the advice. much appreciated