Memory Problems with Daz Studio

This discussion was created from comments split from: Daz Studio bloating in memory after shutdown.


  • Sorry to bump and old thread but I think I found something. I have the same problem here but I'm almost certain it as something to do with Windows' swap file. When Daz appears stuck in memory and uses a little bit of CPU after closing, fire up the ressources monitor in the task manager and spy on DAZStudio.exe. You may notice he's doing things in pagefile.sys which is the swap file used by Windows when it runs out of physical memory which may happens quite often. 3 or 4 G3F/G3M fully clothed/textured and absolutely no environment are sometime enough to beat my 16GB computer.

    Anyway, as hilgu said, it finally closes after a long time. I'm no expert to tell if it could be armful in any way but I personnaly kill the process everytime I don't have the time to wait until it finally dies by itself. Never noticed any "side effect".

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,697

    We created a new thread.  While the problem may be similar, you're dealing with a completely different Studio most likely, so better in its own thread. 

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