Loading clothing items into a scene but not on a character?
What is he best method for this? When I try it using "merge into scene" it will often still load the clothing on the character. I tried changing parent to "floor" or "carpet" anything to get them off the character but that doesn't seem to work either. I have a pair of flip flops for example and when I load them with nothing selected in the scene, the appear side by side on the floor. But if I choose a different pair of shoes and do the same thing, they load on the character. Does anyone have any tips on this?
I'm assuming that you are using Daz Studio. If you make sure nothing is selected when you load the clothes then they shouldn't fit to the character. If they do then select the clothes, go to the parameters tab and and under General->Misc set "Fit To" to "None". This will stop the clothes from fitting to anything.
Note that parenting and fitting are two different things. You can parent just about anything to anything else, the object will move, rotate and scale with it's parent but changes to the parent's pose or morphs have not effect on it. Fitting only works on clothes designed for the figure, or ones that can be autofitted. Fitted clothes adjust to the pose and morphs of the figure they are fitted to, they also move with the figure and they don't need to be parented to do this. Studio usually parents clothes when it fits them, I don't know why.