installing the install manager

Hi there,

I just tried to install the new Install Manager. Installation stops right at the beginning and produces an error:

Error copying file from packed archive
​C:/.../Downloads/DAZ3DIM_1.1.067_Win32.exe to C:/Program Files(x86)/DAZ 3D/DAZ3DIM1/DAZ3DIM.exe

Any idea?

Windows10 Home (64bit)


PS: Cntr + V is not working in your little "paste"-window.


  • What security software are you using?

  • ArjeyArjey Posts: 39

    mcafee - but that was never a problem...

    besides: the old installmanager don't work too. I don't have the rights, it says (i'm admin on my computer) - and i cannot delate the folder daz3dim1 (same reason)

  • Is this an update/reinstallation on a ssytem that had DIM before?

  • ArjeyArjey Posts: 39



  • It sounds as if you may have used Run as Admistrator on the old installation, giving the folder admin rights only. You may need to run a command prompt or explorer window as administrator to delete it, then try installing again.

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