File/Export obj function broken?

Heya all,
Trying to get back to Daz Studio after a long break, I've been dabbling on and off for years but never seem to have the time and patience to learn things properly and do anything cool.
I'm trying to create some morphs for Genesis 8, but the export options seems to foul up my objs somehow. Even if I create a new scene to export a freshly loaded, unchanged base figure fwith subdivisions set to 0 and resolution level set to base and then try to load it back in with morphloader pro, it gives me the "Geometry did not match" error. I've tried every option I can imagine with the export tool, but nothing seems to work. Also I can't remember for sure but I have a feeling that the export tool had more options before, such as exporting only selected object, and then I could even check which body parts I wanted to export. But maybe I'm just imagining things.
What am I doing wrong? Am I still supposed to even use the export option for creating morphs?
Make sure the eyelashes aren't fitted - theya re a separate item in Genesis 8. The developer Kit folder has some special versions of the figure which may help.
Well damn. That's what it was all about. Must have banged my head against the wall for good couple of hours there.
Learn something new every day. Thanks.