Moved pane to second screen - suddenly vanished; how to get back?

Hi everyone,
I wanted to move a pane to my second screen which, unfortunately, has a totally different resolution than what my first screen has (first: 4K, second: not even full HD). Once the mouse cursor with the attached pane moved over to the second screen, the pane completely disappeared. I assume that, due to the different resolutions, it has been moved somewhere far outside of the screen. I cannot move it back because I cannot reach it. Deactivating and reactivating it does not help.
What can I do to get the pane back to the visible area of the screen(s)?
Thank you!
prob delete the file in app data roaming for the layout?
That would reset the whole layout, wouldn't it?
all I could think of, someone else might have a better idea
Thanks anyway. A valid last resort I'll say...
I would even consider this behavior a bug, actually. I assume, a pane that is moved to another screen is not supposed to just jump somewhere off screen where it isn't usable anymore, right?
you can it the graphics control panel reached by right clicking set your resolution to 4K temporarily perhaps to find it, it will make everything tiny even on a low rez monitor
Try Window>Layout>Off-Screen Pane (Tab) Group(s)...
I know this is an old thread and saw a couple of others with similar subjects around multiple monitors. However, this was the first one that showed up on a search engine result so I thought I would post what I did to get it back.
I am using the newest version of DAZ3D as of December 26, 2023 (4.22.xx) and this issue is still around. I have a computer with an nVidia 2060 graphics card (not the best in this day, but still pretty good for my uses).
I moved a tab to a second monitor and "lost" it. It would toggle on and off in the menu, but once I moved it fully from my primary monitor to one of my three monitors (primary in the middle and two off to either side) I lost it completely and no amount of toggling or anything would get it back. Fortunately I was testing with a tab/pane I didn't really care that much about (no offense, Daz devs, but I wanted to make sure this exact thing wouldn't happen so I tested rather than just jump in).
I went to the menu option that was supposed to exist to address this with "Window->Workspace->Offscreen Pane (Tab) Groups" but that unfortunately proved to be useless as it did not show the tab no matter whether it was toggled for visiblity or not. That was simply blank.
After trying a few things (I could not figure out if a keyboard shortcut existed for me to move it manually with the keyboard existed after testing a few things) I thought I would try simply disconnecting the monitor I had moved it to. Bingo...unhooking that monitor pushed the moved tab back to center screen. I needed to re-dock it though, as DAZ still seems to want to "remember" where it was when I hooked that monitor back up...even moving it a bit then re-hooking the monitor would still banish it back to invisiblity (rather than Daz remembering the new position of the pane). However, doing that I was able to re-dock it as a side tab which is good enough for me. After that, I could safely hook the monitor back up and then un-dock the tab again and Daz seemed to remember the new position fine.
Having a sure-fire way to reset this in DAZ without having to reset my entire layout or unhook monitors would be appreciated (maybe having a way to tell a pane to dock into a group with a menu choice?). This could have really bitten me bad had this been a critical tab.
Regardless, I hope this advice helps anyone else that may have run across what can only be deemed as a bug.
Best regards!
If you right-click in the empty area of the tab well (the space that holds the tabs for the panes in the group) you will get an option to add a chosen pane to the group.
It uis hard to troubleshoot here, without more information about the display settings (different scalings can certainly give odd results in general, not specific to DS). What OS was this? Were any of the displays rotated (to be portrait rather than landscape) or otherwise not generic? Were there additional desktops, beyond those assigned to the displays?