Getting Back Into This

Hello all - I used to use DAZ3D products quite a bit but then a combo of a casistrophic hard drive failure combined with the birth of my son (I'm a single Dad, too) caused me to take a break from this hobby. That was 2013 and I'm just now looking at getting back into it. My question is this - I used (and will use) Poser. I've no interest in learing DazStudio. Is this still possible? Are most of the products sold by D3D usable in Poser? Including Genesis? Please be honest - if I'm screwed, at least I know better than to jump back in with both feet.


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Sorry that no one has answered you since you posted back on August third. That's not common for these forums for New Users. I do not use Poser, so I am not the one to answer this, but seriously someone needs to so at least you won't continue to be overlooked. They sure didn't do it on purpose, it's a great group of folks who help out here.

    Can someone who uses Poser please assist? 
    And welcome back!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    There is a Poser forum over at as well as a Poser forum here as well. As far as using DAZ 3D Store products in Poser generally speaking, all products that are Genesis 2 and prior and are non-iRay products can be used in Poser. Generally, but not 100% the case.

    The best thing though is to read the product description when buying - that description should say whether the product is Poser compatible or not. If a product doesn't work in Poser just return the product for a refund.

    When you install a product into your DAZ Studio Content Library for Poser to see and use the Poser compatible products you have in your DAZ Studio Content Library you need to add the path name of your DAZ Studio Content Library to the list of path names that contain Poser content in your Poser program.

  • edited August 2017

    I'll add my 2 cents.  I was exactly like you- I wanted to stay with Poser and all that.  Had this big library and didn't want to mess with it.  Then I decided I would give it a try and see about learning Studio because I got sick of how poser continually upgrades things and then way overcharges for the new product every year.  As well as the fact that I would just use the Daz figures anyway.  Studio is actually a really good product that keeps getting upgrades and is free.  The renderer is about as good as Poser, if not better imho at this point.


    It does require some effort on your part, and more than likely a few questions here on the forums and some 'How do I do this' videos online, but you can do it.  I have faith in you.  


    ​I forgot to mention that Genesis figures need a special file called the DSON in oder to load into Poser properly.  Do a quick search for that and you'll get alot of good info.  For my part, I can access my entire Poser library and use it within Daz Studio with only a few exceptions- and thsoe exceptions are pretty much whether or not I remember where my tweaked textures are that I used for them.  I've been 'Poser Free' now for about a year or so.  It feels good actually.

    Post edited by Thomaslazz_8c99518003 on
  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    It seems that not many new releases at Daz can be used in Poser but some can. The older stuff is more likely to be Poser compatible. The store pages should tell you if an item works in Poser.

    You can use Genesis and Genesis 2 with the DSON importer which is available free. Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 are not Poser compatible (they skipped Genesis 4 to 7). There are solutions available at other sites to import Genesis 3 into Poser, I haven't tried them, I don't think you get all of the Genesis 3 capabilities.

    The Genesis and Genesis 2 base figures are Poser compatible with the DSON importer. Morphs, textures and clothes for them need a Poser companion file to import into Poser, the store pages should tell you which items are Poser compatible. And if you have problems Daz have a 30 day returns policy.

    People have mixed results with the DSON importer. It works for me although it does put quite a load on Poser, some people have problems with it. You can get the DSON importer and Genesis, Genesis 2 Male and Female starter essentials all for free and try it out if you want to.

    Anything made for Victoria 4, Mike 4 or earlier should be OK. I haven't seen any new items for them here (other sites still have them) but keep an eye open for sales. There have been some recent sales her where older generation items were on sale at big reductions.

    I still use Poser although I find I'm using it less and Daz Studio more these days. I was reluctant to move to Daz Studio but it is very good now.

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