? About sizing images in Daz Studio

I have the latest upgrade for Studio and am using it alot lately. It has become my go to place for 3D art- causing me to shelve Poser- which I never thought I would do... I have to say that the auto follow feature is what the community has always wanted and the improvements to it are so welcome... I always hated having to basically 'throw out' content because I didn't use that particular figure anymore. It is the little things like that, that help make a hobby worthwhile to continue and I can;t wait to see what happens in the future.
So my question is how do you change the size of the image you are going to make? In Poser there is a numeric value you can add but I haven't found where exactly that is for Daz Studio yet. Manually enlarging the actual viewport does it to an extent, but I want to be able to make a larger image than that will allow for so I can copy/cut/paste for artwork I am creating. I don't want to lose quality by having to enlarge the image in a paint program.
Yu want the "Render Settings" tab - if it's not present in your layout then go tothe top menu and pick Window - Panes (Tabs) - Render Settings.
Then in the "General" sub-tab you can pick a dimension preset or pick "custom" and type in any value of pixel size width and height of your choice.
The default setting is "Active Viewport" which picks up whatever the size of your viewport is (as you have found out). Other settings let you render much larger (or smaller!)
Thanks a bunch! I will go try it out!