FaceGen Genesis 3 export to Daz Studio 4.9 Help?

I can't get my 3d FaceGen output loaded into DazStudio as a morph etc.

I've tried the FaceGen advice to point the output to a different folder but the Genesis 3 geomtery it looks for is in a cloud folder so can't be used apparently.

Likewise I've tried to put it in a local folder and point DS 4.9 to that. But no luck.

I've unsinstalled and reinstalled. Got DS to search for new content etc.

All to no avail.

At the moment I'm feeling a bit annoyed that I've just spent £110 on a product in Daz3D store that doesn't work out of the box. But I shouldn't be surprised it rarely does here.

I don't mind the odd tweak here and there, but the user files and help files are non-existant (how many wiki entries are missing for DazStudio?)

Many thanks in advance.

Off to make myself a cup of tea and take an aspirin. :-)



  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited July 2017

    I am not sure where you are with this but I am certain the forum will get you going with Facegen

    Have you created & exported a morph & did you get this message in Facegen to confirm it worked?

    Your new morph has been saved here:

    H:\MyRT\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\FaceGen\LD-JulyTest.dsf

    Your new texture images have been saved here:


    if you did then you either

    1. Have not added that directory to your Daz Studio preferences under Edit - Preferences - Content - Content Directory Manager - Daz Studio Formats

    2. Have not opened a new copy of your G3 as the morph will not show on anything currently loaded - I usually restart studio to be 100% certain

    If its not creating any morph or textures then perhaps the problem is that the software wants to find a G3 in the non cloud directory - I never use Connect so I do not know  - If thats the case it is easy to fix by downloading G3 again through DIM



    609 x 231 - 21K
    601 x 559 - 76K
    Post edited by Tottallou on
  • edited July 2017

    Thank you Tottallou.

                                   It appears to generate the file SJ001.duf in the correct place and the folder is in my Content Directory Manager. Restarted and loaded a new Gen3 into a blank scene. Still no morph listed under shape. I'll give the install Gen3 starter pack via DIM another go.

                                    Meantime some screencaps to show exactly what I have and haven't got in case I'm missing something obvious. Thanks.



    Update: I've opened a new Gen 3 female in DS and found the filepath for the duf file (is that the geometry file? that FaceGen demands?) I've then used that foldersm root to save FaceGen. But still no joy. Nothing appears in DS morphs still.

    Somewhere I'm pointing to the wrong place and DS isn't seeing the FaceGen output where it resides.

    Maybe I need to do away with the whole cloud malarky and go offline. Another thread. Which I'm sure Daz3D don't want as it stops me being bombarded with adverts (cheeky)



    daz facegen1.png
    1920 x 1080 - 453K
    daz facegen2.png
    776 x 1002 - 93K
    daz facegen3.png
    674 x 429 - 80K
    Post edited by trevorsimpson_49f7f49017 on
  • Screencaps again. Time for another cup of tea and lie down in a darkened room with soothing music and a cold compress on my forehead...

    And a small prayer that the gods of the internet will find me a solution... one day.




    facegen output.jpg
    1129 x 616 - 114K
    result of facegen textures.jpg
    1207 x 404 - 78K
    result of facegen.jpg
    1138 x 377 - 79K
    gen 3 folder from DS browse to folder.jpg
    1314 x 593 - 147K
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    I do wish the SW authors would make their FG SW use the correct default path so that we don't have to reconfigure it with every FG use. It's the same everytime! Then they could offer a menu item to customize those to be elsewhere than the default, so long as it still works, if the user desired.

  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited July 2017

    I think where it is going wrong is that in your content directory you have it pointing to the actual data folder

    c:/ .... /data that should be c:/users/public/documents/my daz 3d library

    once you make that change I think & hope you will see your morph & can post a render of your creation

    Post edited by Tottallou on
  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    BTW - You can delete the 4 files that are in your cloud library OR move any ones that you want to the data folder in your non connect library - you cannot save anything in connect libraries they only work with products downloaded from Daz which confuses many people at the start

  • WOOHOO!!!! Thank you. Yes it was one level too far. Edited my non-connect directory and there they were. Well spotted.

    Just in time for the weekend too.

    You are an angel.

    {Large sigh}

  • nomad-ads_8ecd56922enomad-ads_8ecd56922e Posts: 1,960
    edited July 2017

    Just for completeness.... what IS the typically-correct path setting one should set in FaceGen, anyway?  I moved my whole runtime settup to a second HDD a couple months back, but I don't think I got my FaceGen settings configured right wrt that, so I'd like to compare mine against the standard-expected one. 

    Post edited by nomad-ads_8ecd56922e on
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