Props from Classroom not in Files list

in New Users
I bought a classroom with lots of props and while the whole classroom loads with all props as a whole, only a few of them appear in my props list.
This means I can separatly load a chair, desk, standing desk and wastebasket, but no cabinet, papers/poster, TV, airconditioner, bulletin board etc.
I don't know if it's supposed to be like this. It seems strange to me that certain props are made available for separate use and others not.
Which classroom is it?
I was going to ask the same thing. I don't think it's mine because all my props can be loaded separately.
If the props aren't in the library, the only thing you could do is load up the whole scene, then save the individual props to the library one by one. A bit of a nuisance, but probably worth it so you can load them at any time.
It's this one:
I am not sure how to save them one by one as props. I can load the whole scene, delete everything except the prop that I want to save. Then save that one as a scene??
EDIT: I found how to save a prop by going to File - Save as - Support Asset - Figure/Prop Assets. It's now saved to My Library / Figures as a DSON user file, but it won't appear yet in my files in the program itself.
Scene Subset would be the usual route to save only parts of the scene, or a single item. This set is already in DS format so there should be no need to use the Support Asset options. Just File>Save as>Scene Subset, check only one prop in the dialogue, then repeat checking only the enxt prop and so on.
Ok. I got it now. I forgot that I have to click on All Files in Smart Content when doing a search. From there, I can drag it to the specific Props category where it now appears with the other items from the classroom.
Thanks all for the help!