Is There Any Way to Flip the Hand Over?

It seems you can't turn the wrist or hand more than only a few degrees. I'm trying to have my figure hold something on her palm. Do you need any poses for this?


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710
    edited July 2017

    Yes, you rotate the forearm first.  To understand this, put out your arm with the palm down.  Hold your forearm tightly with your other hand and start turning your hand over.  You'll feel it's your forearm doing most of the turning.  The radius and ulna are the two bones from elbow to wrist and they are twisting.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    This is a great tip and has been something I have found useful in the past when trying to figure out a tricky pose. Yeah, you end up "feeling yourself up" a lot but it is easy to feel what joints are moving and that often cracks the case on why the pose I'm trying isn't turning out the way I'd like.

  • Ah I see, thanks!

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