Pose Converter Success
I was just wondering what level of success anyone had taking a V4 pose (for instance) Running it through Pose Converter for G2, then taking that pose and running it through G2-G3 Converter and then through G3-G8? That seems like a pretty big arc! I don't own any V4 poses though there are some good ones. I just didn't think the odds of getting a decent result with that long of a process were very good. But I'm often wrong so I thought I'd ask the question.
I'm just using free scripts. From left to right, V4 V7 V8.You might need to make some minor adjustments but that's better than starting from scratch.
What do you mean by "free scripts"? You mean you're not using the Pose Converter product from Zev0? I'm sorry, I was unclear, that was the product I was asking about.