Can someone explain Conform/Parent/Autofit?
I keep seeing references to things like hair being "conformed" or "parented" vs "autofitted" and I was wondering what that meant. In particular, I've been trying to read through this guide but I can't really understand bits of it. Here's the sentence that confuses me
For Millennium 1-4 and others figures hair, clothes, shoes and accessories are conformed or parented.
For Genesis 1-3, 8 hair, clothes, shoes and accessories are autofited, a few are parented.
All figures can be posed and setting with expressions. Expressions until generation 6 are actually morphs. For generation 7-8 these are poseable.
Here are a list of some of my questions:
- Sometimes when I open up an item it asks me waht that this item was originaly made for, and what kind of item it is. Is this Autofit in action, and why doesn't it always show up?
- If an item does not use autofit for some reason, how do I adjust its fit so that it moves when the figure pose moves? Is there a way to save this new "fit" as a setting so I can use it every time?
- Is it generally easy to convert poses/clothing/hair for genesis XX male to genesis XX female, and vice versa? Or does it vary by item?
(Also, while I have you here, how would I say, set about adapting victoria 4 hair to a genesis or genesis 3 male?)
My apologies for having so many threads at the moment! I've just got so many questions and their topics are so different!
Conforming clothes: Clothes or props that are designed to fit a particular character exactly and to remain fitting as the character's pose changes.
Conforming prop: A model object that is deformed to fit a given character.
Hierarchy: The relationship of the sub-objects within a model or a scene to one another. Sub-objects may exist as parents, children or independents. A parent object controls the motion of all child objects linked to it, although the motion of a child object does not affect that of the parent.
So parenting means you are making the hair (or whatever) a child of the parent object, in the case of hair this is of course the haed of the figure.
Autofit: hmm, I should get someone else to define that as I am not a D|S user and the term is specific to studio. I think it's basically the same as conforming in Poser.
equally I think someone else should expalin clone. I would say taht basically it is an exact copy of another object, but again the term is used somewhat differently when it comes to Daz Studio and Genesis
1. is AutoFit - a way to take a conformer/fitted item made for another figure and convert it to the current figure. Fit to is the same as Conform to, one for DS and the other for Poser .
2. do you mean it doesn't fit to the figure automatically? Either use the Fit button in the Parameters pane or right-click on the item in the viewport and select Fit ITEMNAME to...; in the dialogue that opens select the figure you want to fit to. If an item is made for a figure that doesn't have an AutoFit clone for the current figure you either need to make or buy a clone shape, if possible, or manualy adjust the item to fit and then use the Transfer Utility to rig it to the figure you want to use it with.
3. it varies, though there are scripts to help with some of the common combinations.
Hair is often best not AutoFit but loaded without fitting, parented, and then scaled/rotated/translated to fit -you can apply a Smoothing Modifier (Edit>Figure>Apply Smoothing Modifier) and set the collision target to the wearer to deal with awkward spots.
A figure has "bones" that can be bent or rotated, when you pose a figure you are manipulating the separate bones. A conforming piece of clothing or hair has bones that match some of the bones in the figure it's designed for -- a shirt will have shoulder and arm bones, for example, or long hair might have neck and shoulder bones. When you "Fit to" or "Conform to" you are telling the clothing or hair bones to match the movement of the bones on the figure wearing it.
Non-conforming items don't have these matching bones, for example short hair or a hat is just meant to attach to the head and not follow the other bones in the body, a ring sits on a finger joint, etc. Parenting means telling this item which part of the figure it should be attached to.
Autofit takes a conforming item made for another figure and adjusts it to match the bones on a different figure.