Creating morph separator in DS4.9

I've been digging and digging searches and documentations for a half hour and can't find this simple thing. The only things i found were way outdated.  So here's my simple question: How can i create morph separator/parameter group or whatever it is called so i can organize my custom morphs. 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    The path is what defines the group that a morph belongs to. You should be able to set it in the creation dialogue - if the group you want doesn't yety exist just type it at the end of the desired parent group, using / to separate groups ( e.g. select the Actor/Head group and add /Aliens/MyGreyAlien at the end). You can also set the path in the Parameetr Settinbgs dialogue for existing properties - click the gear icon on the slider - or you can right-click and put the Parameters pane in Edit mode, select multiple morphs, and assign a path to all via the right-click menu.

  • Man, you are awesome, thanks

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