Realistic Renders... NOT!! 12 "And we're back in the room!"
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When I've finally got my other interests out of my system I will do more. As I've said before, once I set myself down a path with one hobby, I have to concentrate on it and see through any plans. If I don't, I get sidetracked and have piles of unfinished stuff hanging around and I begin to run out of space. I have a tribute to Ray Harryhausen that I want to do (A 1/35 diorama based on 20 Million Miles to Earth.) and I have to continue my Indy and one day finish my James Bond. Until I'm done with all 3 I'm afraid 3D has to take a back seat.
Like my wife says us guys suck ay multi tasking LOL
I was supposed to have been building a model kit when DSON came out. These other projects are important to me as once they're done I'm done with those particular hobbies and can devote all my time to 3D. That's the plan anyway!
Of course, if the creature in this pic (The Ymir.) could be rigged I could do all I needed to in 3D:
Instead I'm doing it old school, just like Ray did.
...all that allows me to do is add a new user account or change the access status of my own, which is already shown as being Administrator (which was what had made this whole locked folder and access denied issue so frustrating). Again, it had to do partly with MS adding an extra layer of control against the user/owner.
It also has to do with that old demon of "poor documentation" and moving most of the important help stuff to being on line rather than keeping it locally on the system (the workstation is a standalone with no permanent net access for a number of reasons, most importantly, security). Discovered that a number of the folders that were giving me access grief are actually something called "junction points" which are only there for compatibility with applications compiled for older versions of Windows and thus are never accessible by anyone (even Administrators) since they are "virtual folders" (one of those lovely "new" features). The lock icons are just cosmetic, for as once I took control as the system administrator, I was able to gain access to them even though the lock icon is still visible. Wish something was said about all this in the general offline help, would have saved me several days of grief and nearly wiping the drives and giving up out of frustration. Had to root around on several techie forums to find out the "real" story.
One of the mantras of the company I used to work for was "Overcommunicate, Overcommunicate, Overcommunicate". MS and other software developers could do well to adopt it by sharing this important basic knowledge with system owners up front (at the time of OS/Software install/configuration) instead of having it hidden somewhere in the cloud and/or third party forums/sites. Would save the rest of us less "IT inclined" folk a lot of angst and unwarranted frustration. This is what I also hate about the new trend here at Daz of making all the ReadMe files cloud based rather than downloadable with the installers like they used to be (basically wasting more time having to manually figure out where content/components are after install as "Smart Content" is definitely...Not).
So in the end, my Win7 is no longer broken as I thought and I now have two Admin channels to work with should any new issues arise.
...all I want to do is make pictures that tell stories and learn the tools do so better, not waste most of that time playing software/OS troubleshooter.
...and two days to go before the one year anniversary of the new site upgrade and they still haven't fixed the blasted lofgoff/timeout bug that always seems to occur at the most inopportune times (like when posting a response).
Thread needs more renders.
When trying to create this scene I came to the realization that I absolutely suck at doing night time lighting unless I'm using Lux. After dozens of attempts at getting a workable scene in 3DL I gave up and redid the materials for Lux. Nothing too complex here except for the annoying fact that the barrels all only had a single material group. I had to use a mix material and mask out the metallic parts using a new texture so that I could combine the glossy wood with the metal rim in Luxrender.
I wanted to use the treasure beast ever since I saw it, and I couldn't resist the urge to make a D&D reference here. I'm a huge role play fan, both computerized and pen & paper, so this was inevitable.
I see, well it sounds like you're on top of things now. There isn't much documentation for Win 8 either really, at least none that I studied closely. The drivers were never sorted out either, I'm using Win 7 drivers for much of the important stuff.
The other thing they haven't done anything with on here is that HTML links ought to open in a new tab when you click them.
Yeah, sorry about that, we do seem to be going through something of a fallow period. DS4.6 is just out, so there should be more coming when folk are mastering it.
So far I'm not noticing any significant differences in function. Been playing around with the new subsurface shaders, but my limited knowledge means I'm not seeing much difference to using those over UberSurface save for the procedural extras which are quite nice. I'm at the stage now where I'm wondering whether its the textures I'm using or the settings which are giving me unrealistic results. It probably doesn't help that my main 'test subject' so far has been Kaelyn, and textures for the little ones tend to be considerably lower resolution and therefore less detailed than their adult counterparts. I did use V5 for a few as well, but sadly similar results.
I'm hoping I'll have a Eureka moment like I did with Luxrender, where everything just suddenly makes perfect sense. Until then I'm stuck firmly in the pretenders category. I could probably use a half decent lighting test rig to work with as well, so that at least I can solely focus on the SSS.
I'll continue to gather up anything that takes my fancy so I do at least have something to play with when I do get back into 3D. With my interests it's either full time on one thing or nothing. If I flit about I never get anything finished and my satisfaction and enthusiasm wane.
I haven't been posting cause my latest batch is not suited for this board. Kyoto you were right about rendering in 3Dlight slowing down machines even the new beast! I do see an improvement to 3Dlight ran this quick one using a freebie UE light.
Yeah, that does look good.
I think I may start dabbling in 3Delight again...
I think I may start dabbling in 3Delight again...
Those new subsurface shaders are incredible for 3DL! I was a bit hasty in my judgment of them earlier, largely due to a lack of knowledge on how best to use them though, For the first time we have genuine translucent shaders! Those are incredibly hard to pull off even in Luxrender, and yet here they are in 3DL available with a single click of a mouse. If ever you were going to dabble in 3Delight, it's a fine time to experiment.
My current pet project is to use the aforementioned shaders to render a chess set with a twist. Preliminary results are exquisitely realistic, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
Its good to see 3DL FINALLY making some progress i will most likely get R3 since the upgrade price will be minimal the only bad thing about me is I am not much of a tweaker I jus generally apply a shader like one applies a textures. I do tweak UE lights to get rid of blotchy shadowning that sh*t drives me nuts.
OK - here goes - still playing with Reality 3, figured out how to use DOF in Poser and Reality, I think it helps the image a lot. The image below is just the thumbnail, you can see the full image that I can't post here, Castle Mage, at:
(Warning: Nudity! :ohh: )
I forgot to add that she is a custom V4/G4 figure, so I thought she would fit well into a Realistic Renders....NOT thread :-)
OK - here goes - still playing with Reality 3, figured out how to use DOF in Poser and Reality, I think it helps the image a lot. The image below is just the thumbnail, you can see the full image that I can't post here, Castle Mage, at:
(Warning: Nudity! :ohh: )
I forgot to add that she is a custom V4/G4 figure, so I thought she would fit well into a Realistic Renders....NOT thread :-)
Hot dammed that looks goood. In the end I think I am going to stay with Lux rendering. I ran a few test scenes in 3Delight with cloud 9 and that free UE light and still prefer what I git out of lux. With my new beast my lux render times are significantly faster. One also has choices like lets say one wants to have something with those new DS shaders. Render your scene in lux then render the character or object by itself in 3Delight & merge them in GIMP or PS. I know not everyone can afford them but if you can I strongly recommend a quality system it just makes it that much more fun...SSD drive speed is just insane!
Hot dammed that looks goood. In the end I think I am going to stay with Lux rendering. I ran a few test scenes in 3Delight with cloud 9 and that free UE light and still prefer what I git out of lux. With my new beast my lux render times are significantly faster. One also has choices like lets say one wants to have something with those new DS shaders. Render your scene in lux then render the character or object by itself in 3Delight & merge them in GIMP or PS. I know not everyone can afford them but if you can I strongly recommend a quality system it just makes it that much more fun...SSD drive speed is just insane!
Wow - Thanks Bob!! I think once you get Reality 3 for DS you'll be very happy with Reality/Lux. Setting up skin textures with SSS is soooo easy with Reality 3 it's insane! Yes, Paolo made it THAT easy!
R3 has been a fantastic addition to the tool set for me. Getting renders I liked out of Poser/Firefly has always been a struggle for me. I'm not saying Poser/Firefly can't do it, because there are plenty of jaw dropping renders that people are producing with Firefly, is just I really struggle with it. I can finally use Poser again with confidence that I can consistently get results like what I've been able to do with Carrara and DS/3Delight. I've got some images in my gallery from both DS/3Delight and Carrara that I would have difficulty improving upon with Lux/Reality, but the 3Delight renders probably took almost as long as they would have in Lux (Carrara is still faster - but quality renders do take time).
With the way you obviously have your workflow optimized, and you've invested the time to understand just how to get the results you want using Reality, there probably isn't any real reason to switch back to 3Delight. R3 should make it even easier, and with your new beast machine you should be able to use the hybrid GPU acceleration in Lux 1.3 and your renders will fly (or at least take about half the time)!
GPU rendering has yet to work for me but when it does I am sure my system will take advantage of it. Anyhoo I compared the S/S samples in cpu mode I could swear they are triple from the notebook. As I mentioned these are not all ages but allowed to be posted with links with the proper warning these with the beast take an hour or less sometimes lok good as in little as 6 minutes. For higher intense stuff like a lot of glass or water, I plan on experimenting with network rendering with the beast & notebook .
The notebook is still very useful to do stuff at work start renders and then resume them on the beast!
*Warning nudity*
I am having so much fun with the Subsurface shaders
and the new Daz Studio Pro 4.6.
Very nice I will have to try that even though I just have the free base one
I a got all the glossy shaders will have to play with them anyhoo more fun with the new system & Reality..
Thanks a lot, Bobvan. Your renders, telling the story, are as always the excellent.
No worries! Your render is just sick! Got me to purchase the shaders like I mentioned in a few places nothing stops one from combining Lux and 3Delight rendering via GIMP or PS. Other things I like Lux does DS does not control light while rendering, set up multi renders and queue render them. Film response. Set up other scenes while rendering. With the new workstation render times are no longer a concern..
...picked them up myself as well as AoA's Glass Metal shaders.
hmmm, interesting, five of the last seven items I've purchased have been shader resources.