Realistic Renders... NOT!! 12 "And we're back in the room!"



  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969


    It's one of the few Lux renders that have really impressed me, how long did it take?


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:


    It's one of the few Lux renders that have really impressed me, how long did it take?


    Surprisingly not all that long. There's really not much to the scene, so it didn't need to reach many samples and there's not much in the way of complexity in the refraction either. Too much refraction and the fairy would have been horribly distorted, too little and the bell jar would have been invisible. I found a nice sweet spot between the two and went with that.

    Render time was 4 hours to clear up for the final work. Considering I've done exceptionally long renders at over 18 hours and had uglier results, I guess I can consider this one something of a success.

  • jorge dorlandojorge dorlando Posts: 1,157
    edited December 1969

    Render vue = time 7minutos

    900 x 674 - 964K
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Surprisingly not all that long. There's really not much to the scene, so it didn't need to reach many samples and there's not much in the way of complexity in the refraction either. Too much refraction and the fairy would have been horribly distorted, too little and the bell jar would have been invisible. I found a nice sweet spot between the two and went with that.

    Render time was 4 hours to clear up for the final work. Considering I've done exceptionally long renders at over 18 hours and had uglier results, I guess I can consider this one something of a success.

    Very nice for 4 hours, definitely a success, not quite enough for me to invest in Lux yet though. I'm still happy with what good old 3Delight is coming out with.

    Horses for courses....


  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Render vue = time 7minutos

    Very nice,

    I do actually have Vue 10 Studio, but, it bridges with Poser which I no longer have, so I doubt I'll use it much. I'll probably get Bryce 8 whenever it comes out.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:

    Surprisingly not all that long. There's really not much to the scene, so it didn't need to reach many samples and there's not much in the way of complexity in the refraction either. Too much refraction and the fairy would have been horribly distorted, too little and the bell jar would have been invisible. I found a nice sweet spot between the two and went with that.

    Render time was 4 hours to clear up for the final work. Considering I've done exceptionally long renders at over 18 hours and had uglier results, I guess I can consider this one something of a success.

    Very nice for 4 hours, definitely a success, not quite enough for me to invest in Lux yet though. I'm still happy with what good old 3Delight is coming out with.

    Horses for courses....

    ..already have Reality 2.5 (got it a while back as Reality 1.25 and kept upgrading).

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Fair enough,

    At least you have a system you can leave cooking for that long. I'd have to get a desktop before I could and right now that's way more than I can afford.


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:

    Surprisingly not all that long. There's really not much to the scene, so it didn't need to reach many samples and there's not much in the way of complexity in the refraction either. Too much refraction and the fairy would have been horribly distorted, too little and the bell jar would have been invisible. I found a nice sweet spot between the two and went with that.

    Render time was 4 hours to clear up for the final work. Considering I've done exceptionally long renders at over 18 hours and had uglier results, I guess I can consider this one something of a success.

    Very nice for 4 hours, definitely a success, not quite enough for me to invest in Lux yet though. I'm still happy with what good old 3Delight is coming out with.

    Horses for courses....


    I think there's room enough for both render engines. Each one lends it's own artistic flavour to a piece, so I can switch things up depending on the sort of results I want. I confess though, despite Reality being the more expensive of the two, I find Luxus easier to work with. I'm really grateful to Reality for introducing me to Luxrender, but being able to tinker behind the scenes is what helped me get the results you saw earlier. To achieve the same result is literally impossible using Reality alone since it lacks both the materials and the mixing which was necessary.

    Render vue = time 7minutos
    Very pretty indeed. I'd love to get back into using Vue or Bryce, but in all honesty I'm genuinely awful at those sorts of programs. My brain works on a different wavelength to those programs, and never seem to get anywhere close to expected results. It's a steep learning curve for someone like me who's been used to a certain way of thinking, but who knows? Perhaps in the future. I envy those who can use it well though, especially when they produce lovely images like yours.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    If I had a desktop then I'd probably give Lux a whirl, but, seeing as my fan goes into overdrive if I merely do a 3Delight render, leaving it running like that for that long wouldn't prolong the life of my laptop. It cost me enough and I don't fancy shelling out that much again for a replacement just yet.

    I'll definitely get Bryce 8 when it comes out as it bridges with DS and I can do what I want to with it.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:
    Artini said:
    Just to not forget about how to use the Poser Pro 2012, two renders of Silver's Fawne for V4, dressed up in dynamic clothes
    by Nathalie and Kaleya. Also used Propschick's Pariah Dreads hair. Backgroud scene and lights from: The Alcove

    Great render Artini!

    Thanks a lot, Rogerbee. I like to use different rendering programs. Poser is good, especially if I want to render fast
    the characters with different hair.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969


    I found Poser choked with the vast majority of hair that I wanted to use. I was never fully satisfied whenever I used it, it always needed something more, but I couldn't put my finger on what that something was!

    DS has impressed me and surprisingly so since version 2. It's better to use than I thought and produces results that really satisfy me. I think my problem with Poser was that I was trying to render things with it that were really only meant for DS.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited December 1969

    I like Daz Studio very much, mostly for the great DOF effects and possibility to use Genesis effectively.
    However I am a bit dissapointed about how much time it takes to render some hair.
    Below is the screen dump of rendering SAV Dragon Lady hair with Ring of Light used in the scene.
    I have cancelled it after over 23 hours of rendering because it was at the 57% of completing and I do not want to wait any longer.
    I have switched off raytracing on the hair, but it does not helped so much in that case.

    1920 x 1159 - 412K
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited December 1969

    Are you by any chance using uberarea lights or uberenvironment?
    In my experience, the problem with these kinda hair with multiple transmap is more because of ambient occlusion settings, not so much raytracing....

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited December 1969

    Then I have rendered SAV Dragon Lady hair in the Poser Pro 2012.
    I do not know exact render times, because the Poser does not show the rendering time,
    but the renders does not take more than 20 minutes, I think.

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  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Well, it could be down to the lighting used and possibly that the hair was developed for use in Poser. The only things that SAV actually did for DS was a Genesis morph for the Eireane character. I do have some hair that they did but have yet to try it out. Perhaps you should try it without using UberSurface.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited December 1969

    glaseye2 said:
    Are you by any chance using uberarea lights or uberenvironment?
    In my experience, the problem with these kinda hair with multiple transmap is more because of ambient occlusion settings, not so much raytracing....

    I have used Ring of Light - Environment Lighting
    in that scene.
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:

    Well, it could be down to the lighting used and possibly that the hair was developed for use in Poser. The only things that SAV actually did for DS was a Genesis morph for the Eireane character. I do have some hair that they did but have yet to try it out. Perhaps you should try it without using UberSurface.


    Thanks for the suggestions, I will try that. SAV Dragon Lady Hair has its own version for Genesis and I used it in my scene.
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited April 2013

    Artini said:
    glaseye2 said:
    Are you by any chance using uberarea lights or uberenvironment?
    In my experience, the problem with these kinda hair with multiple transmap is more because of ambient occlusion settings, not so much raytracing....

    I have used Ring of Light - Environment Lighting
    in that scene.

    Yep, that set uses area lights, and area lights can wreak havoc with multiple transmaps because of the occlusion...
    In that case you do NEED ubersurface, as it allows you to tweak, or turn off, the settings for ambient occlussion - per material if so desired
    Personally I would set the occlusion shading rate mode to 'override' and set the occlusion rate to a much higher setting (64 or higher), but, depending on the render power of your system,it might be better to set occlusion to 'off'
    Post edited by glaseye on
  • jorge dorlandojorge dorlando Posts: 1,157
    edited December 1969

    Thanks to both for the compliments!
    well, i have vue10complete, and I can bring all my scenes poser, vue inside when necessary.
    Bryce 7 ... My disappointment with this is that you can not import animations from poser / daz.
    I think this is a great shortage (developers bryce, I'm sorry)
    also bothers me the fact that only 32bit system (be it only uses only 3gigas memories of the system?)
    and could also have a fan system to apply movements to swing from trees, grasses, etc. this gives life to plants in animation.
    I see the advantage in bryce, is its ability to create nights (he has the module sun / moon, we choose the schedule)
    this point is bryce note 10.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited December 1969

    glaseye2 said:
    Artini said:
    glaseye2 said:
    Are you by any chance using uberarea lights or uberenvironment?
    In my experience, the problem with these kinda hair with multiple transmap is more because of ambient occlusion settings, not so much raytracing....

    I have used Ring of Light - Environment Lighting
    in that scene.

    Yep, that set uses area lights, and area lights can wreak havoc with multiple transmaps because of the occlusion...
    In that case you do NEED ubersurface, as it allows you to tweak, or turn off, the settings for ambient occlussion - per material if so desired
    Personally I would set the occlusion shading rate mode to 'override' and set the occlusion rate to a much higher setting (64 or higher), but, depending on the render power of your system,it might be better to set occlusion to 'off'

    Thanks for the suggestions, glaseye2. I will try that right away.
    I use home built pc with i7-3770K cpu, 32 GB of ram and Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ..OK a little more for the "not" part of this thread.

    Lots of stuff in this one,

    Dimension Theory's Ecomantics
    Dimension Theory's Cloud9 Lights
    A few Stonemason Buildings
    Jack Tomalin's Curios Bus (makes a nice "hippie" bus)
    Pavilion Tent re-textured with Fabricator
    Marieah & Sickle Yield's Flower Power
    Catwalk Hair (excellent "hippie girl:" hair)
    3DU's Toon Amy
    Age of Armour's Fog Camera set at 600M

    Total render time: 8mn 55 seconds.

    "Let The Sun Shine In..."

    884 x 884 - 641K
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Thanks to both for the compliments!
    well, i have vue10complete, and I can bring all my scenes poser, vue inside when necessary.
    Bryce 7 ... My disappointment with this is that you can not import animations from poser / daz.
    I think this is a great shortage (developers bryce, I'm sorry)
    also bothers me the fact that only 32bit system (be it only uses only 3gigas memories of the system?)
    and could also have a fan system to apply movements to swing from trees, grasses, etc. this gives life to plants in animation.
    I see the advantage in bryce, is its ability to create nights (he has the module sun / moon, we choose the schedule)
    this point is bryce note 10.

    It was the fact that Bryce 7 is only 32bit that is making me wait for version 8. Everything else is 64bit.


  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ..OK a little more for the "not" part of this thread.

    Lots of stuff in this one,

    Dimension Theory's Ecomantics
    Dimension Theory's Cloud9 Lights
    A few Stonemason Buildings
    Jack Tomalin's Curios Bus (makes a nice "hippie" bus)
    Pavilion Tent re-textured with Fabricator
    Marieah & Sickle Yield's Flower Power
    Catwalk Hair (excellent "hippie girl:" hair)
    3DU's Toon Amy
    Age of Armour's Fog Camera set at 600M

    Total render time: 8mn 55 seconds.

    "Let The Sun Shine In..."

    Very nice,

    For that lot to take 8mins you've got one serious system!

    Keep up the good work


  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Artini said:

    Thanks for the suggestions, I will try that. SAV Dragon Lady Hair has its own version for Genesis and I used it in my scene.

    Oh, I see,

    I guess you can now try the other suggestions.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited December 1969

    I have tried to render Dragon Lady hair in Daz Studio, both with Ubersurface and without it,
    but the render times are too long, so I have to accept that I do not have enough powerfull computer
    to render that hair in Daz Studio. I stick to Poser, when I need to render that hair again.

    1918 x 1149 - 477K
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  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ..OK a little more for the "not" part of this thread.

    Lots of stuff in this one,

    Dimension Theory's Ecomantics
    Dimension Theory's Cloud9 Lights
    A few Stonemason Buildings
    Jack Tomalin's Curios Bus (makes a nice "hippie" bus)
    Pavilion Tent re-textured with Fabricator
    Marieah & Sickle Yield's Flower Power
    Catwalk Hair (excellent "hippie girl:" hair)
    3DU's Toon Amy
    Age of Armour's Fog Camera set at 600M

    Total render time: 8mn 55 seconds.

    "Let The Sun Shine In..."

    Very nice,

    For that lot to take 8mins you've got one serious system!

    Keep up the good work

    ..thank you. Doing my best to keep this thread afloat.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    Artini said:
    I have tried to render Dragon Lady hair in Daz Studio, both with Ubersurface and without it,
    but the render times are too long, so I have to accept that I do not have enough powerfull computer
    to render that hair in Daz Studio. I stick to Poser, when I need to render that hair again.

    ...what are your system specs?

    Do you have IDL turned on perhaps? Even on my beast it slows things down noticeably.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited April 2013

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Artini said:
    I have tried to render Dragon Lady hair in Daz Studio, both with Ubersurface and without it,
    but the render times are too long, so I have to accept that I do not have enough powerfull computer
    to render that hair in Daz Studio. I stick to Poser, when I need to render that hair again.

    ...what are your system specs?

    Do you have IDL turned on perhaps? Even on my beast it slows things down noticeably.
    I use home built pc with i7-3770K cpu (4 cores, 8 threads at 4.15 GHz), 32 GB of ram and Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.
    I do not know how to turn on IDL in Daz Studio.
    I have just made the render of my scene in Daz Studio Pro 4.5, but have used Carribean Queen hair instead.
    I have also used Ring of Light - Environment Lighting for that scene.
    Without any material changes on the hair, rendering time was only 8 minutes 46.36 seconds.
    I will continue my quest for the hair, that renders quickly in Daz Studio.

    1000 x 1000 - 383K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969 the lights setting if you select a single uberlight it should give you a number of choices under lighting type one of which is "Indirect with directional shadows" Accidentally selected this the other night and it felt like I slammed on 3Delight's brakes.

    Not at home right now so can't fire up the workstation to verify this.

    Haven't' tried very heavily transmapped hair yet. Going to give it a run with Mentha Piperata for A3 tonight. Never could get that hair to render on my 32 bit system even with DSMs.

    BTW is your RAM configuration Dual or Quad Channel? That also makes a bit of a difference.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Artini said:
    I have tried to render Dragon Lady hair in Daz Studio, both with Ubersurface and without it,
    but the render times are too long, so I have to accept that I do not have enough powerfull computer
    to render that hair in Daz Studio. I stick to Poser, when I need to render that hair again.

    Uh oh,

    That doesn't bode well for me then. I chose SAV hair for River and Cameron, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


This discussion has been closed.