Thanks in advance for the help. I have several models all in zip format that are suppose to unzip into thier respective folders. However, the place that I got the zips from were mainly for poser but the models say they are compatible with DAZ as well. My question is HOW IN THE WORLD DO I INSTALL THEM INTO DAZ STUDIO 4.9.+? I'm sure this question has probably been asked 101 times before but I did try looking a bit but couldn't find any previous posts. YOU HELP WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED! I REALLY WANT TO BE ABLE TO USE THIS CONTENT DESPERATELY lol. Thanks again andhave a GREAT day/evening... Mickey


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Poser-format content will have a Runtime folder -- you want to merge that Runtime folder with the Runtime folder in your Daz content folder.  Make sure that you don't end up with one Runtime folder inside another.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    Once you have all the stuff installed properly you should be able to find everything in the Poser Format directory.

  • MAC-XMAC-X Posts: 107

    Worked ike a charm! Thanks guys...

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