Making an old probably-3Dlight mirror reflective, presumably in iray

Okay, I have a really ancient scene grabbed from somewhere that originated for Poser 4 or something... and it has a free-standing mirror as one of the pieces of furniture.  I tried to do a render, with the mirror in my Virewport, just to see if it would actually render the rest of the room as seen in the mirror... and of course, that was a big Nope Nope NOPE Nope, I simply got a grey, sorta-shiney surface instead of a useful mirror, so after a brief moment I cancelled the render.  I vaguely remember references to "Go in and do THIS to a surface" in a prop in DS to get a mirror to go back to... well... mirroring things, but I don't remember what it was.

What is the simplest, quickest way to make the prop mirror work as a mirror in my scene?  Bearing in mind, my scenes are generallly rendered in iray.  I'm guessing there;s an action that involves "Right-click this and select this, and then this, and you're there." but I've never done this before.


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  • Kewl, tyty...

  • Okay, I am completely new at this mirrors thing.  In fact, I'm completely new to this apply-shaders-to-something.... thing.  :D


    In any event, it turns out there are actually two mirror props in the room I've rezzed, but when I select one of them and then go into Actors, Wardrobe & Props --> Surface (Color) and I select the "mirror" part of the prop, I don't see anything in there named Glossy Reflectivity, or Glossy Roughness.  I found someone else's DS 4.9 ready mirror prop on shareCG, and that one does have those in it, but in none of these mirror props am I aware of where I would select in there to apply the Nickel shader.  (The DS-ready mirror prop, I don't need to change anything for it to work, but I still don't know where in there to look for any such shader that was applied, to compare it against the two mirrors in my rezzed scene.)  What should I do next in the two mirrors of that room?


    DS bathroom mirrors 01 -- 20170724.png
    1359 x 1013 - 432K
    DS bathroom mirrors 02 -- 20170724.png
    512 x 1800 - 111K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489

    You have got exactly the right thing selected in your screenshot, now you need to find the Iray Nickel shader (as described in that help desk article) and double-click it to apply it to that mirror surface you have selected. The surface has currently got the DAZ Studio Default shader (which won't reflect properly in Iray) - applying the Nickel shader to it will change it to the Iray Default shader which has all those glossy reflectivity/roughness/etc parameters available.

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