Image sequence and video w. transperent background

I want to create some animation, to put on top of something else. So I render an image sequence with transperent background.

I've downloaded a program to convert the image sequence to a video file. Is there a video file format that supports transperent background?


Another possibility. Is there some video editing software that can handle two or more image sequences with transperent background


  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Yes, but you need compatible movie editing software, such as Premier and After Affects. Check the documentation that comes with your editing software, as it should indicate the formats that it accepts with and without 32-bit transparency (e.g. Quicktime ). Save at the highest bitrate you can with little or only modest compression. Expect the intermediate file to be huge.

    Barring that, you can place a green (or other solid color) background in the image file, and use that for a green screen. Even most lower-end editing software support knocking out the green to create an alpha channel. The layer underneath will show through.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    if you render to png sequence, many video editors will import and honor any empty background as alpha.

    lagarith - avi, windows only, 32 bit codec, lossless. save as rgba. most video editors honor alpha on import, not all resave w alpha, even if specified to do so (not lagarith fault).

    cineform, via free gopro studio install. save as rgba. windows for sure, avi, not sure if 32\64, or Mac. almost lossless.



  • Can Daz 3d import image sequences so we can animate frame by frame? or better yet, play a movie file in the back ground when we press play on the time line?

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