Shoulder Bend issues Izabella 7


I am looking for a way to resolve an issue that I think began after a hard-reboot of my computer. For some reason, Izabella 7 shoulders are not bending correctly. The problem does not appear to affect other Genesis 3 figures. I've uninstalled and reinstalled her a couple of times, as well as Studio itself, but neither has corrected this issue. Once upon a time, Studio created runtime data the first time a product was used; I'm wondering if this got damaged and needs to be removed so it can be recreated. It may no longer be applicable at all since the introdcution of the Daz Connect data, but it is the only idea I have left. I've attached an image that illustrates the problem.

Any ideas?


1000 x 800 - 357K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    You could try clearing the DSON  cache (from Edit>Preferences)

  • Thanks Richard, that did the trick. As usual, you had the right answer.

  • Well, the problem has gotten more interesting. Izabella is now working fine when loaded from the content pane into a scene. However, if I save a scene (or subset) with Izabella, when I reopen it she is distorted as described above. Only seems to happen with Izabella, though. Very odd.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    That's not something I have come across before, and I've no idea what further to suggest to deal with it - though you could load one of the scenes, then immediately check the end of the log (View>Troubleshooting>View Log) to see if there's anything suggestive.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    Did you install Izabella 7 with Daz Connect? The Izabella 7 product has a duplicate copy of the fbmHeight morph that is provided by the Genesis 3 Body Morphs product. This caused me similar intermittent shoulder bending problems with Nyarai and Ceridwen, which use the fbmHeight morph and are not even based on Izabella 7.

    I believe this is a shortcoming of Daz Connect. It allows duplicate morphs with identical names and relative paths to be installed in more than one place, because each installed product is in a SKU-based folder. Both the Genesis 3 Body Morphs and Izabella 7 provide that fbmHeight morph. When installed with DIM, the two morphs with identical names and relative paths would overwrite each other and eliminate the duplicate morph issue.

    I eventually uninstalled Izabella 7 from Daz Connect, reinstalled her with DIM and went in and manually deleted that duplicate morph. After that, Nyarai, Ceridwen and Izabella 7 are working correctly. I believe you could achieve the same success by uninstalling both Izabella 7 and the Genesis 3 Body Morphs from Daz Connect and installing both with DIM.


  • I did install Izabella with DAZ Connect, and I have seen issues with the fbmHeight morph on multiple Genesis 3 characters, so this may be a solution I turn to should the problem crop up again. I say that not because the problem has actually gone away, but becasue I restored my machine via full backup restore to a state prior to the hard reboot. That seems to have caused a problem for the CMS, which was starting up, but refusing the connection for my user ID. I decided to uninstall Studio and the CMS and do some manual cleanup. Everything is connecting fine now, but the CMS db does not "know" which products are already installed in the DAZ Connect data folders. Is there a way to get it to scan that folder, or do I need to "download" them again?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    edited July 2017

    I think you will have to reinstall all of your Daz Connect products. crying Customer Service once told me to reset my CMS database. Doing so caused Daz Connect to completely forget about what was previously installed. Reimporting metadata does not fix the problem. All the files were still on my computer, but CMS didn't know they had been installed. All the thumbnails were gray in Daz Connect. There was no solution, other than to reinstall. They didn't have to be redownloaded (I don't think), but for each product, Daz Studio seemed to require internet connection to Daz to do some kind of checksum or something. In my particular case, it wa a double whammy, because the Daz servers were down and I couldn't even complete the reinstallation at the time.

    This is another big failing of Daz Connect. Resetting the database and reimporting metadata does not restore the previously installed state of Daz Connect products. I reported this to Daz months ago. So far, it hasn't been fixed.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • One final comment to wrap this thread up. I did indeed have to reinstall all the Daz Connect content, but as barbult pointed out, this did not require re-downloading all the files. So far, the problem with Izabella that started all this has not recurred. Thanks to both of you for your help with this.

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