Recreating a Victoria 5 Character with Victoria 8

I'd like to take a character I've been using since Genesis/Victoria5 and remake her with G8/V8. There is a product that should cover me on converting the skin (, although I do wonder if it will work wit the G8 Female Anatomical Elements. I've modified the skin for this figure using Skin Builder Pro for Gensis and G2. I also modified some parts of it in Paint Shop.

I am at a loss though as to remaking the body shape with G8. I can set all the dials the same, use Shape Shift for Genesis 8 Females, but it is not the same body in several key ways. The primary thing missing is the character morph. I'm using Brianne as a base ( Something that could take all of the morphs and dials from Genesis and make for 1 dial added to G8 would be ideal, or an imported file.

Is there something in the store that can help me?  I don't want to learn how to make my own models; that's likely well beyond my skill level. I don't want to make own merchant resources. I just want to keep using my character in still images or finished videos with newer clothes and poses. I may just have to work with what I have.

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