Making something selectable in D|S

Hello everyone!

I've tried to search the forums to find an answer, but I can't find anything, so, I'm putting it out there. I've got Aery Soul's Black Lotus for V3 and one thing I noticed, is that the collar isn't properly selectable in my (admittedly ancient) D|S 1.8. Is there any way to edit the .cr2 or so to make it selectable? Now I can't, for instance, actually fit it to V3.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Can you not select it in the Scene pane?

  • HellwolveHellwolve Posts: 167
    edited July 2017

    Nope, the scene...tree? See screenshot; I can't select the top node (Collar - Copy), but I can select the lowest node (neck).

    321 x 120 - 42K
    Post edited by Hellwolve on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    You can't select by clicking on the name? Odd. Try clicking the pointer-with-an-X icon to the right of the Collar - Copy label.

  • HellwolveHellwolve Posts: 167

    Doesn't work, oddly enough. That's why I, personally, think there's something odd about the .cr2 or so.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    It's possible, I have seen oddities in CR2 files over the years. Is there a second node (another figure, or more likely a prop) for Collar - try loading it into an otherwise empty scene?

  • HellwolveHellwolve Posts: 167

    If I do that, D|S automagically does select it, but afterwards, if I load more stuff, I can no longer select it.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    So it works in an empty scene? Very odd.

  • HellwolveHellwolve Posts: 167

    Well, I still can't select in an empty scene, but if it gets added to it, it is automatically selected :)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Is there anything odd in the log file after loading - Help>Troubleshooting>View log?

  • HellwolveHellwolve Posts: 167
    edited July 2017

    Don't know, but here it is:
    Importing file
    Importing Collar.cr2 ...
    Reading file Collar.cr2
    Importing Collar.cr2 ...
    Reading file bl_collar.obj
    Reading bl_collar.obj
    WARNING: NULL driver for joint parameters in DzPoserJointRotator::DzPoserJointRotator()
    Imported: Collar.cr2
    Building Scene
    Loaded image bl_collar.jpg
    Loaded image bl_collarblades.jpg
    File loaded in 0 min 1.8 sec.
    Loaded file: Collar.cr2
    Ran tdlmake on image F:/Poser Runtime/Runtime/textures/aerysoul/blacklotus/bl_collarBum.jpg
    Ran tdlmake on image F:/Poser Runtime/Runtime/textures/aerysoul/blacklotus/bl_collar.jpg

    Post edited by Hellwolve on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Apart from the null driver warning in the middle everything looks fine - I have no idea what that warning means, though it could indicate an issue with node naming.

  • An odd one; I would suggest trying to contact Aeon-Soul (it's the same folks that originally did the item, just a new name), and see if they would be interested in helping you.

  • HellwolveHellwolve Posts: 167

    As I understand, they've stopped making Poser content; I doubt they'd help :/

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