Load morph without position propaties


Thank you for reading.

I have a problem.

I tried to load a morph on my figure which I moved from zero position.

I loaded successfully.

But, morph makes figure move position.

How should I do?


Alex Smith


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    How you make morph?  Because if your morph target (obj) have  already moved position, you need to re-make morph target , which not move postion.


     I suppose you make morph for posed figure (because I think you asked it in another topic),  then you import morph with "reverse defomation option", by morph loader pro.

    but  if it move full figure position un-expected way, I think you need to check morph loader import option. or your morph export option in your 3d aprication.

    when you use "reverse defomation" option, current figure pose, positon is important. because, ds genearate morph as delta from current posed (moved figure)

    when I  make morph for posed figure, but not hope full body positon change, I just need to export posed figure as obj.  then keep current pose, and positon in ds.

    (or you can save scene then keep current figure status)

    import obj to my aprication, then  make morph without moving full figure positon, but change shape only.  export it as morph target.

     then import it by  morph-loader pro with reverse defomation option. (with Keep the figure positon and pose in DS)

    it can make morph which can change shape from current posed figure. (without additional move etc, just move vertex as you tweaked)



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