Prop to Figure Conversion Transform Issue


Hello! So here's my bullet pointed issue...

Blender (2.77):
- I have an object with shape keys
- I zero out all loc/rot/origin info
- I export as FBX

DAZ (4.9 Pro):
- I import the FBX (things are properly aligned at this point)
- I use 'Edit' > 'Object' > 'Rigging' > 'Convert Prop to Figure'

PROBLEM: my imported FBX Obj gets turned into a figure I can start rigging in DAZ... but the transforms get reset, and my figure now appears in a different orientation.

To properly realign the figure, I may have to set its 'X Rotate' and 'Z Rotate' parameters to '-90' for example... at which point the bones do not allow me to have the rotation order I want when I start rigging.

I've tried 'Bake to Transform' after readjusting things using the X/Y/Z sliders, thinking that might 'zero out' all the params I've had to manually set to compensate for the conversion, but without success. Doing this within the context of the Joint Editor creates the same problem.

I'm probably being stupid and missing something very simple, but I can't seem to figure it out, or find a similar problem described in the boards. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The z and y axis are transposed in the two programs.

  • Of course I tried every version of that I could think of a while ago :). No matter which axes I choose, the imported FBX ends up (currently at -90 X) after converting to a figure inside of DAZ. If I export as an OBJ from Blender and imported to DAZ it's fine - but then I lose all my shape keys. That was leading me to wonder whether shape keys have some sort of orientation independent of the mesh inside of Blender, which creates the problem when exported as an FBX? Dunno. Seems like it should be a simple axis orientation issue as you suggest, which was my intial thinking, but it doesn;t appear to be.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited July 2017

    To remove your problem, I recommend 2 ways

    1. if you hope to ues FBX ,  rotate FBX in blender (adjust which axis you need test please)  then apply rotation . and export it to daz studio. 

    it should show wrong axis rotation applied, when you import, but if when you chenge prop to figure, the rotation change, it may remove your problem.  (Actually same process I need, when I import bvh correctly)

    DAZ fbx improter may not offer to adjust axis, I believe. (and daz can not apply rotation easy)

    2, just to see your question, at least I can not find you need to use FBX. because after all daz do not generate all morphs when you import FBX. can do ?

      then you can export as obj, then rig in daz studio, and import moprhs (all shape keys) by morph loader, it  can import multiple morph target obj  files, at same time.

    though you need to export each shape keys as morph target obj,  with setting name correctly,, but it seems same when you use FBX,, or FBX can import all morphs? 

    or you try to animate shape keys in timeline then import as FBX?

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • edited July 2017


    Thanks for your suggestions! If I'm understanding correctly, I tried your first one some time ago (i.e., exporting in the wrong orientation from Blender, to see if it would appear in the correct orientation within DAZ once I converted to a figure. Nope. It always seems to end up in the same position after conversion to figure, no matter which axes I export from Blender. And like you say, DAZ does not allow me to reassign axes upon import of FBX.

    Here's what I'm doing.

    • I have a humanoid model in Blender
    • Numerous shape keys exist for facial animation
    • I separate the head from the body in Blender
    • I import the body as an OBJ, and the head as an FBX to DAZ for rigging (the shape keys import fine as dial morphs)
    • In DAZ I convert the imported body OBJ to a figure (works fine)
    • I then convert the imported FBX head (and my problem emerges - the axes are thrown off)

    I haven't really played around much with trying to export individual shape keys from Blender, if that's what you're suggesting. I'll look into it.

    I started this process by simply trying to import the head as an FBX to DAZ, and then 'Save As > Support Asset > 'Morph Asset' the shape keys wich now appeared in DAZ as dial facial morphs. Then I though I could export the head as an OBJ from DAZ, reimport it, and reapply the saved morphs using the 'Edit > Object/Figure > Morph Loader Advanced/Pro' option. But I couldn't get that working either. Closest I got was a single dial morph that collapsed all my individual dial morphs, instead of the 20 or so unique dials I need. And the single dial morph didn't work anyway, it just completely deformed the mesh. I figured maybe the morph loading is just designed to work with Genesis content or something. Or I simply don't undertand the interface well enough... though I've burned considerable time trying.

    So I imported the 3DS to Blender, which worked fine, made varoius adjustments, then tried to reimport to DAZ. Hence my current state of problems :). Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. I'll see if I can learn more about shape key/morph exporting, importing, saving, reloading, etc...

    Post edited by nideffer_4c8efdd92b on
  • edited July 2017

    OK, Problem solved - and I guess I'm mildly retarded... 

    • In Blender I set the head mesh in the wrong orientation intentionally, to compensate what I know will happen in DAZ (let's say for purposes of example, rotating the head -90 in Blender, because I know DAZ will do the opposite once I convert the imported prop to a figure).
    • In Blender, prior to exporting, I make sure to 'Clear' the old rot/loc/scale/origin of the mesh and 'Apply' the new one
    • Import the FBX to DAZ, convert prop to figure, and things now appear as they should, and I can rig with bones in the proper axes.

    I got hung up on the FBX export settings from Blender, and failed to think through the simpler solution of forcing a wrong mesh orientation intentionally within the program itself. Hopefully this is clear enough for anyone else who may happen to run into similar issues.

    Thanks for the help!

    Post edited by nideffer_4c8efdd92b on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Hi, sorry I think I can not help well, untill I play with blender exproted FBX (and shape keys)  more.sad  because I usually use FBX  or bvh for import animation on to daz figures.,,,  not use FBX to export  figures with morphs, in daz studio.. though I already know, how to export from daz as FBX with morphs, I seldom try import FBX with shape keys to daz studio. 

    but if I need to rig in daz studio, I usually just use exported obj from blender, then rig. after save as figure, import morphs (shape keys)  by morph loader as obj.  

    if vertex count, and vertex order is same, (imported obj, and new rigged figure mesh)   you can import  all shape keys, from blender as morph target. 

    (though you need to set axis opiton correclty, but at least morph loader pro have option, how  import obj for daz stuido axis)

    though your current problem seems un-expected axis change about FBX,  you seems try more complex thing with FBX  what I have done.   

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    I believe you need to model, morph/shapekey and rig in the Studio x/y orientation so you don't have to do axis rotating on export or import.

  • have the same problem. I followed the steps above. I transformed the mesh in blender prior to exporting as .fbx, to compensate for the transformation in Daz Studio. when importing said .fbx to Daz, the transformations done to compensate appear but as soon as I transform the mesh into a Figure for rigging the exact same transformation happens regardless of the meshes original orientation. 

    when transforming the fbx into a figure for rigging, the orientation values transform as mentioned above, but the orientation issue persists exactly the same regardless of the fbx's original orientation. in other words, the character will always face the same way (+90x Rotation, and exact same scaling) regardless of the .fbx used prior to converting object into figure.

    PLZ HLP!heart

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