been using Poser for many years. My version 8 no longer works now, I've installed DAZ Studios and and going to have to finally learn how to use it. My question is, where do I find all the stuff I've gotten over the years from here? It sued to be easy with a link, just spent 20 minutes trying to find them. some help please would be greatly appreciated.
As long as you have added the external libraries as Poser Format content dierctories (that is, selected the folder that contans the Runtiem folder) they will be in the Content Library pane under Daz Studio Formats - aranged pretty much as they are in Poser.
will my poser items work in DAZ Studio? its been so long since I even looked at either program, been gone a few years.
Hi Richard, glad to see you all kept the freebie contest going
Welcome back, jeeperz!
"will my poser items work in DAZ Studio?"
Since you are using Poser 8, the short answer is Yes. Any content designed for that version of Poser should load and work fine in the most recent version of DAZ Studio. I routinely use Aiko 3 and Victoria 4, for example. However, there are a few caveats.
Issue # 1: Shaders. The shaders designed for use in Firefly will usually not work well in 3Delight (the biased DAZ Studio render engine). Most products obtained from DAZ should include DAZ Studio shaders either built-in or available as a separate download. So, the older base figures and characters should be fine, although you may need to remember to use the DAZ Studio shaders and not the Poser ones. Newer figures and other content shouldn't be a problem if from the DAZ Store, but content purchased elsewhere will require you to confirm 3Delight (or Iray) compatibility. The latter is also worth mentioning. If you intend to use Iray as your render engine rather than 3Delight, older content will not have Iray shaders. However, all is not lost, as DAZ Studio will attempt to convert 3Delight shaders to Iray. The results may or may not be to your liking, however.
If you have content for which 3Delight or Iray shaders are unavailable, you could always adjust the shaders to correct them yourself manually, saving the results for future use as a shading preset. There are also various shader products available for both 3Delight and Iray, both free and paid, that are designed for various types of surfaces such as satin, leather, latex, etc. If the products use texture maps they should work fine in conjunction with the shaders mentioned, with the exception of bump maps. The latter need to be adjusted to account for differences between Poser and DAZ Studio.
Issue # 2: Rigging. Here again, content that was designed for Poser 8 should work fine in DAZ Studio. More recent content designed for more recent versions of Poser that use Poser's flavour of weight mapping will not work properly in Studio. For some figures there are DAZ Studio-specific versions available (i.e. the Hivewire figures). Again, if the content worked in Poser 8, I wouldn't expect issues, as I believe that weight mapping wasn't introduced until Poser 9, if memory serves.
So you may have a little work to do with your existing content in order to get it all working exactly as you would want it in DAZ Studio, but it is certainly do-able.
thanks sixDs. I will have to experiment with that one :-] glad to be back, it's been so long I feel like a newbie again.
Hi Jeeperz. Good to see you. Why doesn't your copy of Poser 8 work any more? I am still using P8.
You need to have a very old version of IE for it to work.
Chohole!!!!!! how are you.... not sure why it won't work, I tried to install the same version I've had for years to a new computer (well, new to me) and it loads but the figures and props won't load, that part of poser just sits there blank and won't do any thing. I found some updates for it and downloaded them from smith micro but it still won't load. the computer I put it on is only a couple years newer than my other one but that shouldn't make a diff.
Does the Library work?
no, the library won't load. It just sits there blank, nothing loads, and I left it for hours to load.
Yeah, that's the IE dependency, what version of Windows?
I have ie disabled on my PC and I also ran the tool that MS issued to disable the IE 11 update, which did screw up older versions of Poser before I disabled IE altogether.
windows 7 is my version but its the pro version
so cho, do I download the link and ...lol then what... I'm a bit confused about how to get poser back
It's been a while since I did this. I seem to remember that I reverted IE to IE 10, then ran the script on that link to stop Windows re-applying the IE11 update. Reverting IE is somewhat problematic at this later date, as you need to find The IE11 update in your windows updates. This will be back to sometime in 2013.
I may need help on this one, my son has been living with me since his accident, he used to do IT stuff and knows computers, I'll ask him to help me on that one, but it will have to be later, off to town today for a street fair
Yeah, sons are handy, mine helped me through the medium of Skype. He lives in Ireland and I am in Wales.
so before I actually disable IE, my son thinks it's not a good idea, he said it will mess up my windows 7, has anyone disabled it and nothing happened?
I have disabled it and nothing bad has happened since then, and I disabled it way back when IE 11 first came out and mucked up everybodies older poser installs. However you don't really need to disable it, as long as you revert it back to IE 10, and run the script to stop IE11 installing itself. That is issued by Microsoft, so you know it is genuine and will do no harm to your PC. and yes I run windoze 7.
PS I haven't used IE as a browser for umpteen years, Not since both my elder brother (an electronincs whizz kid) and my younger son (was teccy, now has BSc and M. Ed.) both advised using fiirefox,
maybe I'll roll it back to IE 10 first, if that doesn't work, I'll try disabling it, Thanks cho
and I'm with them on explore, I never use it, chrome or modzilla I use, I prefer chrome
well... that didn't work spent the day trying to restore my computer. it didn't like IE10 and wouldn't download IE11 afterwards
oh whoops, sorry about that. AS I said it is sme time back that I did it.
I found this old thread where they were talking about the problem. https://download.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/30633/subject-poser-8-9-has-stopped-working-no-library-after-ie10-11-win7-update-sm-aware
Even in Poser 2014 the Library Browser causes problems only instead of being caused by IE they are now caused by Adobe Flash/Adobe Air until you get a patch. I never did understand the difference between Flash, Air, Director, Shockwave, there are probably more, and all these 'flash players'.