DAZ -> Space Engineers?
Hi all.
Since I am completely new to this site, and software, etc, this seemed like a fitting place to ask my question. :)
But, short story shorter:
Is it possible to import a model from DAZ to use as the character model for a modded Space Engineers astronaut?
There are so many insanely beautiful models here I would love to play around with, so that would be awesome. :)
All the best
Assuming Space Engineers is a game, and that it needs 3D data, that would probably be against the EULA (it would be OK if it was used soely in your local copy of the game, not if the data was uploaded to a server or shared with other users). There might well be practical obstacles too, but since I don't know the game/application I can't say for sure.
Hm, I should not have assumed people knew what SE is, me bad. It's a game. :)
Since I know next to nothing about this kind of software, I found a guide on importing models from the Source Engine:
EULA is secondary, this is for myself.
Well reading that link you definately cannot use DAZ based models in the game even if you buy a Game Development License from DAZ.
Shoot. :/
Incompatible file formats?
No, the file formats are compatible. The problem looks to be that you would have to upload the 3D mesh for the figure to get it to work with the game. You can't guarantee that you would be the only one to have access since it is uploaded. That is against the DAZ Eula. I doubt that the game license would work because you aren't the author of the game and that isn't how the game licenses work. You can't control what happens to the 3D mesh once it's uploaded. So, no, I don't think there is any legal way to use any DS figures in that manor. You can always contact DAZ through the Help page but I'm pretty sure they will tell you that isn't allowed.
I totally second what KM has said. It would completely negate the DAZ 3D EULA. And yes she is right that only the creator of a new game can apply for and use a game Dev License to use Daz products in games, they cannot be added to existing games.
Richard Haseltine did warn you with his answer, the first that you received, that it would probably be against the EULA, and believe you me RH is the expert on this sort of thing, he has been a moderator almost as long as Daz has had forums.