Ahhh! Render Window Problem
I purchased Stonemason's "Streets of Venice." As usual, his work is absolutely beautiful. However, I find that when I am finshed setting up a scene and try to render, it only a rectangular box in the middle of the screen is actually affected. In the upper right corner of this box are the numbers 86:39. I assume these are the dimensions of the rectangular window that is being processed, but I do not know how to change things to get the whole picture. I am viewing the scene through one of the camera positions that came with the package.and I have parented my light sets to that camera. I would appreciate learning what is causing this problem and how to get the entire scene rendered. Thanks very much for your help.
What do you have your render dimension set at? That will determine the size of the render.
It is the camera that you are rendering through that has Local Dimensions set to whatever Stonemason has set. Select the camera, got to Dimensions and either set it to Off, which will use your default settings, or set them to whatever size you want the render to be.
That rectangular box is called the Aspect Frame, it shows you what the camera is seeing.
Like a director holding up their fingers in a rectangle: http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2012/03/finger-camera-lets-you-frame-a-shot-like-a-pompous-director/
The numbers you see are the ratio. If you set the render to HD you would see 16:9.
If you want the camera to see more you have to move the camera back or zoom the camera out, just like real life!
THANK YOU SO MUCH.. I learn a little bit more every day about the DAZ software and know I have a ways to go, but really appreciate your help.