Strange problem with file load vs file merge?

i have been tweaking a G3 character over many weeks and all is great as long as I just work within it's file.

if I merge it into a scene it loses some morphs and gets an odd pose that  used a while back even though I zeroed the even does this with a scene with just one camera. If the scene is empty merge works fine. 

if I merge some scene files into this file the furniture moves to zero....but some scenes that do not use groups work ok.

i tried saving out subsets and character settings to try and correct the issue post merge but nothing happens...or it freezes.

i guess as long as I just merge scenes into this character file I could muddle along but I can't help thinking it's going to screw up some time in the future.

i was just wondering if anyone had a similar experience and what they did to fix it ....I guess file merge and file load are somehow technically out of whack with each other.





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