On average how much of a clothing is runtime and data?
So i downloaded alot of clothing from other places (non daz products) that come in zips so i auto extracted all of them into a neat folder then i put it in my main library
Problem is lets say i downloaded 10 gigs of stuff in the zip and extracted it was 30, i didint check the the runtime and data folders size i just moved them but when i went to check the clothing itself it was only about 9 gigs.
So i am now wondering, did i accidentally delete most of the clothing or are runtime and data folders really that large, if so what do these folders have in them?
The runtime folder will have all the JPEG or PNG images for the clothing material textures. I would expect that to be the largest folder.
Depends on which figure they are for. Newer Genesis figures will be as barbult said. Older figures that use Poser's legacy rigging will be almost all Runtime with the possiblity of DAZ Studio material presets.
Tip: Use the Content Library pane, any folder that is not visible in it is a folder the users shouldn't mess with.
I'm not sure if "runtime" and "data" are the folder names you mean. Are these clothes Poser format items or DAZ|Studio format? If they're Poser, there won't be a Data folder, that's only for D|S. If they're D|S, the Runtime will only contain files in a Textures folder, everything else will be in separate folders alongside the Data folder, plus other files inside the Data folder.
Note that the content you've installed is not one file for one item, it's split up into parts — there's the files you can see in the Content Library tab (inside the Runtime folder for Poser items, outside it for D|S), the files that define the shape of the object (inside the Runtime folder for Poser items, inside the Data folder for D|S), and the files for textures (always inside the Runtime folder). The Content Library files are usually the smallest of them all.