*solved* Can't change shaders in "FSL Morphing Backdrop and Shaders for Iray" ??

amusingnicknameamusingnickname Posts: 21
edited July 2017 in New Users

Hey guys,

I'm probably doing something entirely daft for this not to be working, however I can't change the shader on the FSL Morphing Backdrop and Shaders for Iray prop. Even if it's the only object in the scene and selected.. I can't seem to find a readme to see if I've missed a step... It's driving me batty, cause it has some awesome morphing capabilities, I'm just not fond of the checkered background wink

Any help would be awesomeness! Thanks, K.

1770 x 945 - 2M
Post edited by amusingnickname on


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    For shaders you need to select the item in the scene tab and the mat zones in the surfaces tab for them to apply.

  • I knew it was me being daft! I can't believe I've been using this software 2 years, and that didn't occur to me.. Sheesh! *facepalm*

    Thanks Scorpio, I appreciate the help :)


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