Where to find info on installing Studio 4.9

MarqueMarque Posts: 78

Your info page covers 4.6 and that doesn't help me with my problem. Have Studio on my other computer and it works fine. Built a different computer to use as my main and Studio gives me a Resource error whenever I open it.

A valid PostfreSQL CMS connection could  not be established. Several DAZ Studio features that require a valid PostgreSQL  CMS connection such as context aware content view and loading content installed using the Daz Connect service, will not be avaliable. Check your network, anti-virus, and firewall settings for confilicts.

Have the same setup on my old system, same firewall settings, network and anti-virus, so not sure what is going wrong here. Would use the other computer but using it for rendering and it is not in a place where it is comfortable to work on it. Seems like other folks have had issues as well so there must be a workaround out there just can't find one that has worked. 

Thank you,

Marque Hulbert

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