First steps into Bryce. [OS X 10.6 user]

Hi everyone, been using DS4 for a while and thought i would start on Bryce so I thought to myself where better to ask for advice!!
My hardware spec is in the pic below, will this be ok do you think, I have the mac running in 64 bit mode too tho I know B7 is a 32 bit program.
regards to all :)

280 x 500 - 40K
Post edited by IanTP on
Very important question What OS x ?
If you are using OSX Lion , then I am afraid Bryce just will not work,
No, its not lion, i'm still on snow leopard (10.6.8) have not 'upgraded' ;)
Well in that case you should be good to go.
I think Snow leopards are much prettier than Lions anyway
The newest version is called Mountain Lion :)
Question 1, do i need to install Bryce Lightning if I am only rendering on the one computer.
First problem, installing the file BryceContent_7.0.0.21_Mac i have run into an issue, have attached the offending dialog box :-(
Ooh, that's a strange one. We need a Mac user to help yoou there. I suggest you add Mac User to your thread title. THere are quite a few around. A lot of Brycers are Mac Usres.
BTW, no you don't need lightining unless you are setting up for network rendering as a render farm.
Thanks Cho, I'm stating to wonder if I had already installed it, cause i've just got the following message on installing the pro content, (pic below) but I just ran Bryce and it asked me for the serial, so maybe i hadn't done it before. (thread title changed, thanks for the hint)
OK, its all in, I installed the pro content, then the bryce content went in fine, so very weird. ;)
Glad you got it to work!
Sometimes the Mac BitRock installers throw up an error but then goes ahead and does the install after hitting OK.
You can also run into installer issues if you're not logged in as Administrator.
MacPro, OS10.6.8
Glad you got it sorted. So now when do we see the first Bryce render
he he he, i'm taking a look at the Bryce 6 artist guide now ;-)
No. Lightning is the network render client. You need a home network with more than one computer to make use of this feature. Unfortunately, at this time, all those computers need to be either Macs or PCs. Mixing them was lost with new versions.
Ah, you mean it is pointless me bringing that ZX spectrum down from under the spare bed, to help my rendering go faster
Those old Z80 CPU's probably make very good render crunchers ;-)
Yup. I can't use my ZX80 and ZX81 either, neither the five Z80 based computers I made some years ago. But my 10 years old Win2000 laptop with 500 MB RAM can be used for small scenes.