Visual Novels beginner
Hi All
I am playing with the idea of starting a very very short visual novel and i have found out i could use RenPy to compile the noval but the artwork i was thinking of using DAZ3D images, specifically the Male/Female characters and some backdrops.
What from a legal point of view do i need to buy or do to be able to use DAZ3D images in my novel?
Thx, Werner
I'm not a lawyer, or any kind of authority on this topic, but my understanding of the EULA is that you can use *renders* of Daz products for your commercial projects with just the standard license. If you were distributing the 3D models, or using them in a video game that would be a different story, but for flat 2D render art (book covers, illustrations, posters, etc.), I believe that you are good to go with the standard license.
Thx bitwelder... so by simple buying models or any daz3d product that is the standard license covered?
Note that this does assume you are creating your own images - if you are wanting to use existing images (from product pages) then that is not permitted at all. The license is here
Yes, that is my understanding, along with what Richard said. Good luck with your project!
Yes i will be creatign my own DAZ3d models and images... Been thinking of taking photo's of surroundings/my house etc... and then in Photoshop use the filters to get to look more like CG to a degree... Have a CG relistic or faked bg look. Will see how it goes. A good friend of mine is a really good artist so i can always get him involved.
I am planning to do the same thing - Renpy VN from my own Daz product renders. I have been careful not to purchase any SWARM products, however, because I thought those products do require a license. Am I correct on that?
As long as you only use 2D stills or animations you are covered by the standard EULA.
I think what threw me off is that SWARM has their own Game Developer License in addition to the Daz one. Dang, I wish I had said something earlier, they had something on sale recently that I wanted to buy but was afraid to! Thanks for the info!