I have see a banner when I log in offering an extra 40% off of VIctoria 8 if I use the code V I C T O R I A - 8 (that's how it's printed) but when I enter it in it says it's invalid. I've tried it with and without spaces. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
doesnt work for me either, spaces, no spaces, all upper case, capatalized....
Maybe because I have a non-US keyboard my - in Victoria - 8 is not the dash the makers of that discount code used? I see only 1 dash on my keyboard though.
The genius who put together the message box got a bit too clever — there are no spaces in "V I C T O R I A - 8", it's just that the characters are spaced apart as part of the HTML coding.
Not that it makes any difference, I still can't afford the Pro bundles at that price. I got all my Genesis 3 Pro bundles at even deeper discounts as part of various offers; I'll wait until I see something like that show up.
doesnt work for me either, spaces, no spaces, all upper case, capatalized....
Maybe because I have a non-US keyboard my - in Victoria - 8 is not the dash the makers of that discount code used? I see only 1 dash on my keyboard though.
I'm in the US, mine is a logitech keyboard. Seems to work fine for everything else. Not sure why this password is jammed up.
This shoiuld be fixed.
Yup! VICTORIA-8 all caps and no spaces is what I tried and it worked. Thanks Richard!
The genius who put together the message box got a bit too clever — there are no spaces in "V I C T O R I A - 8", it's just that the characters are spaced apart as part of the HTML coding.
Not that it makes any difference, I still can't afford the Pro bundles at that price. I got all my Genesis 3 Pro bundles at even deeper discounts as part of various offers; I'll wait until I see something like that show up.