Help with IntermediateOpenGL

I have used this program for years to do compositional work, for later finishing in Manga Studio; been pretty happy with that and the Results, For a Long time my workflow has been based around Creating an image in the BaseGL, and the Intermediate the 2nd Layer from the intermediate fills in the blanks where transparencies show through the BaseGL.
Since I've "UpGraded" to 4.9 I've yet to get a single usable image out of the Intermediate Open GL; either the Image looks like its been shot in a cave, or The image especially skin is positively Radio Active. I've Tried 3DL, the results where the same with the 3DL shaders for this Figure, somewhat better with the Human Surface Shader, but that destroyed the Preview/Base image and I need them as close as possible. Adding UberLights only Added Uber Rendering Times. Without a proper Solution this seriously limits how useful DAZ can be to me.
The Image below was shot with 3Point Lights, she is sitting right in the beam of the Key Light at 100% but form the IGL you would think shes in a cave. My own testing was lead me to believe that the Diffuse Layer is not Registering at all for some reason and I'm just getting some kind of underpainted shadow layer.
Any Ideas as to how I can get a better response out of the IGL would be appreciate.

Pretty much anwsered on another thread. That said, Nails lovely Orange color does not come from anykind of advanced shader, She is Gen1 or 2 Base with some personally tweaked morphs. I have logged a ticket with DAZ, I am also writing a letter to Santa, which I am reliably informed has a 7% better chance of getting a response.