Product Library shows stuff you have purchased - possibly for nothing. The Buy button on the store page should now say Purchased, and be red isntead of green, to tell you that you already have it.
It isn't free, though it may have been a temporary freebie when you bought it. Since you have it in your product Library, as a result of your purchase, you don't need to get it from the store page.
Product Library shows stuff you have purchased - possibly for nothing. The Buy button on the store page should now say Purchased, and be red isntead of green, to tell you that you already have it.
Why is there a price when it' s free ?
It isn't free, though it may have been a temporary freebie when you bought it. Since you have it in your product Library, as a result of your purchase, you don't need to get it from the store page.
I see. Thank you.