Product Library

BeemBeem Posts: 95

In Product Library i can download for free. If i choose for ex Sash Gown Texture.

Then i can go to View Product Store Page and there i can see a price of $12:95.

What is the different between these two ?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Product Library shows stuff you have purchased - possibly for nothing. The Buy button on the store page should now say Purchased, and be red isntead of green, to tell you that you already have it.

  • BeemBeem Posts: 95

    Why is there a price when it' s free ?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    It isn't free, though it may have been a temporary freebie when you bought it. Since you have it in your product Library, as a result of your purchase, you don't need to get it from the store page.

  • BeemBeem Posts: 95

    I see. Thank you.

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