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With it already getting the loyalty discount added on top of the new release discount, I didn't expect there to be any discount at all for previous purchasers. I highly appreciate it, and happily purchased it today. I guess that old saying about inches and miles really does still apply. I can't speak for them, but I greatly appreciate all you do, and how hard to work to make sure your customers are happy.
Take heart. The reason why people discuss discounts and complain about price changes is because they feel like buying your products is worth the time to discuss. You do excellent work. And after spending a ton of cash in recent sales, we are all looking for ways to fit yet another Zev0 product in our carts....
I will be buying this, but I did find the price jump annoying, especially as it coincided with a banner telling me I had an extra 5% off. As so often with Daz, the mysterious underlying processes can be rather deflating.
Rather than 'Humbug', l will contemplate both peace and the chains I have woven in life.
Hello Zev0 :)
Just saw and picked up Growing Up Bundle for G8 - have not had time to play much with it yet, but looking good as always!
Thank you - keep rockin' :)
I too regard this as a must have product, as much of what you create. There is one thing, since you bring up the nose and I look at the promo images... it would be nice if there was some way to scale the nose somehow, to be able to make it larger on a younger face sometimes. I'll look at a younger face at times and see a nose that just looks too large for it but you just have that sense that they'll grow into it as they grow up - if I'm making sense. Maybe I'm just making sense to me, who knows? Then again I've been trying without huge success to emulate Barbara Streisand's nose (more or less) in G3 with lackluster success, and I have rather a lot of morph packages to play with. There just doesn't seem to be a great deal of emphasis on that bit of topology, even with the ethnic packages. I try to dial in and there are just parts you can't seem to adjust. Not your problem though. I digress. I've just been trying to recreate some people I know and the adjustments to the facial topology in Daz that I need just aren't there.
If you have the head morphs then it is no problem to dial in a larger nose, and this works fine in combination with the GU morphs. Below is G8M with 50% Youth morph and 100% Nose Size morph
Looks great, Zev0. I agree with others that you shouldn't let one person's response get to you. I saw the glitch in the store. Am I upset that I didn't take advantage of it when it went live? Sure. But, I also know that glitches abound within the Daz store. That isn't the fault of the vendor and I don't see the point of getting up in the face of a vendor and making them feel bad. That is the type of thing a person should put in a ticket about if they feel the need. Not bother a vendor who does his best to give us quality products. And, all of your products are things that I can't do without so I'll be buying this before the 5% discounts is over because it is a quality product and well worth that extra $1.50 discount from the glitch.
A person takes glitches as the find them and moves on. A person also should be very grateful when a vendor like Zev0 decides to give repeat customers a slight discount when he doesn't have to. Zev0 has consistently been generous with his customers and I think it is inconsiderate to come onto his thread and blast him for something that was totally out of his control. From the posts I read, I'm happy to see that most of Zev0's customers seem to understand that.
So, Zev0, thank you for the discount. I appreciate it and will be taking advantage of it.
Sorry if I came accross in negative way. I do like Zev)s products and appreciate the extra discounts.
But the trouble is that it didn't look like a glitch. It looked like a 20% discount for owning Growing Up for G8F (or possibly for owning the G3 Growing up products) that was taken away and replaced with a much lower discount. That is what was so upsetting
It's all good. Sorry I responded in the manner I did. Was just having a bad day. I do appreciate all the support you guys give me.
Having fun with this. Your usual excellent work. Your work is so inexpensive, I wonder how you make money. Anticipating the aging morphs.
You're always generous, Zev0; sometimes folks forget that, and perhaps also forget that it isn't a hobby to many PAs but a living.
"Offer ends Monday, 12/10/20107 at 11:59pm MST (-7 UTC)."
So still 18090 years before the discount expires... :P
Keep up the good work Zev0!
I bought Growing Up for G8M before I knew there WAS a discount. I wasn't expecting one, given all of the sales currently running, so
It's all good, everyone has bad days. Great product as usual. Love making these little boys and girls
Havos, what skin did you use for this render?
Zev0, Is it planned to create a skin for GU 8, as it was for GU 3 (
I am pretty sure I used this one:
For personal use, you can use that on G8, as they share the same base UVs.
Thanks, guys!
I picked up the G8M version. Thank you for including the head width morph. That is my biggest complaint with the earlier versions. Is there a skin that works well with Growing Up? I'm wanting to do a Stranger Things/Goonies-inspired scene.
There is a Growing Up texture set for G3 that should work fine on G8 for personal use.
I got your product some time ago, but it's doing weird things to the hair used. I appolagise if it's something that has a commonly known fix, but it is troubling me for a while now. I attached some pic samples for your view. Figure used is Victoria 8 and the age 9-10 preset. If you noticed on the preset pic, the hair seems to be bend inwards.
Thank you
Hair and clothes will pick up the changes to the figure to which they are fitted. That's how clothes follow the shape, but it can produce odd results in some cases. You may find the only fix is to use a dForm to gently straighten the hair.
Not sure how to use dForm, will have to look it up.
Regarding hidden parameter, I checked it out, and the morph that most affects the hair is the "Youth Morph" which, when dialed back, made the hair disappear into the head.
If the hair has no scale adjuster morphs, try parenting it to the figure instead of auto fitting, adjust the scale and fit manually then just add a bit of smoothing collision.
Is there how to page somewhere? Are there sliders? Or do I just click on the injection buttons?
There are sliders. They are located under Actor/Full Body/Real World/Growing Up. You can also see used morphs when clicking on currently used after using one of the age presets, and customize from there as well.
I don't know what Iam doing wrong, but I've purceased the growing up female set as well as the girls for growing up morphs. No matter what I do, the morphs don't apply to the character. I feel like I've tried everything. When i adjust the sliders, nothing happens as well. The user manual also doesnt load for the morph addon. All help is appreciated.
It's been over a month and I do not get assistance for this product.