Daz Studio 4.9-64Bit +Iray rendering, working on Linux using Crossover

I have now been able to get 4.9 - 64bit running on Linux Mint KDA with crossover linux.
Create new bottle - Win 7 - 64bit, Daz studio works well but takes some time to load sceenes etc, Install manager works, however I have not been able to get content manager to work.
I install everything localy.
I prevoiusly had the 32bit working with Wine HQ but was missing the Iray, I have Reality 4.3 but it crasshes even if I export scene only, but am happy with results from Iray
with more time I think I can achieve some good results.
I have a question about fitting cloths correctly, I am using Genesis 2 Female with some older V4 cloths as well, some do not fit properly even after converting them.
Does any-one have any tips other that un-perenting and posing individualy ?

that's good to know that it *can* work. did it take a lot of tweaking, or did it 'just work'?
when you say 'content manager', does that mean you cannot 'mount' your normal content libraries (DS or Poser) in DS or is it that your smart content features don't work, or ?
if you can't see smart content, be sure you've got the (?) postgres database running in a way that the Daz Studio can 'see' it on the right port. I also think the Install manager needs to see it when loading your products, so it can update the postgres database during product install, then Daz Studio (and Cararra) can see the loaded products as well... (you could probably run a native linux postgres, so long as the tables were there and it was running on the right port. Maybe import a windows-based DS postgres database file to get a useful database tables that you can populate, etc.?)
I would probably look at pulling those elements with a couple of deformers, or look more closely at the autofitted clothing's collision-target iterations settings. Nice render/posture, btw.
Yes, please show your steps and any special requitements to get it to work. I understand that software for linux is pay software by codeweaver.
do you execute postgresql inside crossover or you tried to use a postgresql server installed by your Linux distribution ? (you will need to be sure DAZ and DIM have a proper username/password authorized to access the postgresql server. I didn't check that but I guess DAZ configured everything for their internal postgres in a standard config file and it can be recreated from scratch)
Hi mindsong
not much mucking around, I just used same setup as for Rhino 5, except IE 7 (INTERNET EXPLORER) wont work - not compatible, Rhino 5 is suposed to need it but have not had any issues without it yet. ( main things are the Dot Net 2 & 4, MS fonts etc)
No CMS/ smart content, think it's the database, I will keep working on it, all mycontent, what little I have is installed localy in the Crossover Windows C: drive.
I'll have to learn about deforms etc thanks for your reply.
Hi Silver Dolphin
Yes Crossover is paid but for me it is worth it, I use Rhino 5 aswell, you can get Daz 32bit working for free with Wine or Play on linux but you will not have Iray as it needs 64bit to run.
For Crossover create a new Bottle - Win 7 - 64bit, then select install software, search Rhino 5, chose installer ( but use Daz 4.9 instead of Rhino installer), you need internet to allow Crossover to install it's stuff etc, when you get to IE 7, it will fail - just skip it and keep going, it should finish and then you can install the Daz install manager to put your content in the Crossover local directory's etc.
At this stage I have not got Smart/CMC etc to work.
hope this helps & good luck, I am enjoying Daz after quite a while doing other things, Airbrushing, photography etc.
cheers Dave.
Hi oomu
thanks for your help, ill look into that,
cheers Dave
Hi all
Just as a side note Bryce also works and is great for rendering, but I am having issues positioning/ posing ( the rotate icon/ button wont work) the translate move etc workes ok. Again all content installed localy in Crossover Windows directory etc.
regards Dave
This is great news as I hate Windows 10. I have it installed on a gaming pc and it is annoying as hell.
I'm not sure if this is still alive, but I'm wondering if anyone have tried this more recently.