Background Won't Display Through Windows in Render
I'm trying to render a scene using Indoor Pool House in 3Delight. I've loaded the full scene including the lights. In the render however the background is not visible through the windows of the pool house. The windows themselves render as a gray checkerboard. Working in Daz Studio I can see the background through the windows.
The background is an HDRI image and when I good to the lights and select Pool House LIghts I see the background image appear next to color. I've rendered othe HDRI images before but for some reason this one won't work. The light is set to be visible in the render and the lighting type is occlusion with directional shadows.
Could the problem not be with the light or the HDRI images but with the windows themselves not being transparent?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Wheer are you setting the dome to be visible? One thing to check is the Max Ray Trace depth in Render Settings - if the glass has refraction that will use ray trace bounces, so if the vlaue is too low the rnder may give up - however, that would tend to yield solid grey not the transparency chequerboard pattern.
Thank you for the suggestions! I have to admit I don't kow where to make the dome visible - how do I do that? Is that different than making the light visible in the render? I'll also try looking at the settings on the windows.
3delight doesn't have a central "draw dome" setting, which is partly why I was querying it. Which dome are you using, and wat settings are you making?