Pictures save as different sizes
I'm not sure if this is really a question for this board or not but maybe someones computer skill/knowledge will be able to answer it fairly easily.
I recently rendered a batch of pictures and I never change the picture dimensions(attached) it's basically just saving in active ViewPort with one of the side menus minimized.
The 2nd Picture is one that came out the size I wanted.
The 3rd is from the batch that went bad. I hadn't changed anything in render settings but you can see it's a lot smaller.
Does anyone know what I did there? I'd really like to avoid re-rendering with my fingers crossed to see it didn't work AGAIN.
I'm sorry if this is outside the realm of what this board is for but this is the besty place I know to turn to.
Thank you for any help.

You have 'active viewport' set as render dimensions so if, for any reason, that chnages then your render image will likewise change size. If you open up a new tab, etc., or go to a different tab (From Loading to Pising, etc.) things could change. It would be better to actually specify fixed dimensions.
Hi Simon,
I thought I did that (first screen shot) those are my LOCKED dimensions that all my pictures render in. A littl bit more addition to pervious larger pictures shrinking, the icons on my desk top did the same thing. They appear smaller than they had before I did a restart. I wonder if I joggled something somehow.
As Simon says, if you have the output set to Active Viewport the current viewport size will be sued - you can't lock it. Better to set it to a custom size, then you know where you are. It may be that you changed some display setting that is affecting both icons and the interface size in DS - such as the DPI setting - but I'd have thought smaller icons would go with a bigger Active Viewport.
Hi RIchard,
I meant smaller icons on my desktop itself. That might not have been pertinent information. As for my Active View Port, the size of it is larger than the rendered pictures. In the pictures I posted above, the Gangster one rendred the size of my Active View Port, the one of the girl scaring her sister rendered much smaller than my active viewport. That's what surprised me.
Check you don't have a size set on the camera, in the Camera or Parameters pane.
In re-reading this, I realize I was unclear about something in my first post. When I said I "rendered a batch" I meant I used a Batch Render Tool I bought on Renderosity. I opened that tool back up thinking I had accidentally changed the sizes somehow there but there wasn't a spot where I would have been allowed to change them so I was still puzzled. I attempted to render 2 of the pictures again using this tool and they came out larger (the size I intended) so I think this might have just been a fluke in that particular program. Thank you both for the tips, I still ended up learning something so it wasn't a complete waste of your time.
Thanks again!