3D Historical Closet Wiki
Back on the old forum, we had a thread about a wiki we started to track clothes and props that were realistic enough to be used in historical pictures. Originally we set this up on ArtZone, but when that went away, we migrated as much as we could to Wikia:
Unfortunately, we did miss some content on pages that were a couple of links away from the home page, so it would be great if some of our original contributors could log in to the newer wiki and fill in the gaps. We've also had lots of new products come out since the wiki was last updated, including (for example) Marieah's wonderful historical fabrics.
I'll make updates as I can, but I can't do it alone! If you care about historical content, please help out with this wiki.
(If historical content isn't your thing and you like using the more common "fantasy-historical" content, that's fine too-- but sometimes artists need content that will work in a historical scene.)
We have migrated to The Historical Closet Thread but it is a long way down in the date ordered threads
It's one of the few things that's getting back to normal though.
Thanks for the reminder. I hope I can grab a bit of time to do more.