MEC4D's Industrial HDRI pack

None of the HDRs are found by the .duf files when opened. I seem to recall comeoen else having an issue with path length (but with Connect, I refuse to tuse that) and as the path names are pretty long I wondered if it might be that, but if so how'd it get past QA? Anyone else got this product and if so do you get this issue?
Wher is the content installed?
Where DIM placed it, which is where all my DAZr content has been placed, so base path to them is: D:\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library but add in the product sub-dirs and filename you get to:
D:\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Light Presets\MEC4D\HDRI Abandoned Industrial\Abandoned Industrial 4\MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial4_10000_5000 Panorama_hdr.hdr
So when you load the scene HDRI is missing or how Simon? I see no problems
You should find all scenes under
My Library\Light Presets\MEC4D\HDRI Abandoned Industrial\
then subfolders
Abandoned Industrial 1\ scene file
Abandoned Industrial 2\ scene file
Abandoned Industrial 3\ scene file
Abandoned Industrial 4\ scene file
Abandoned Industrial 5\ scene file
Hi Cath! Good timing a render has just finished and I am off to bed, but ...
I navigate to Render Settings under Smart Contnet using Product view, select your MEC4D HDRI Abandoned Warehoue-Megapack, then I get:
for any of the scene files I try (the file name changes, for each, of course).
Ahh, just noted, in the error message the path includes a double space in the "hdri abandoned industrial" directory name, between hdri and abandoned!
Ooookay, today is not my day ... as a quick and nasty 'fix', I copy/pasted the 'offending' directory and renamed it to include the extra space and now I get the following in the log and the hdr (in render settings) remains unchanged:
2017-06-30 01:36:23.227 D:/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Light Presets/MEC4D/HDRI Abandoned Industrial/Abandoned Industrial 3/MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial3_10000_5000 Panorama_hdr.hdr (1,1): Syntax error - expected '{' or '['
2017-06-30 01:36:23.230 File loaded in 0 min 0.0 sec.
2017-06-30 01:36:23.230 Loaded file: mec4d hdri abandoned industrial 3 high.duf
Yes, references in .duf files contain double spaces in HDRI%20%20Abandoned%20Industrial folder.
e.g. /Light%20Presets/MEC4D/HDRI%20%20Abandoned%20Industrial/Abandoned%20Industrial%204/MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial4_10000_5000%20Panorama_hdr.hdr
After fixing the .duf I get the other error too.
2017-06-30 03:04:56.588 Loaded file: mec4d hdri abandoned industrial 1 high.duf
2017-06-30 03:06:03.024 D:/D3D/DS/MyLibrary/Light Presets/MEC4D/HDRI Abandoned Industrial/Abandoned Industrial 1/MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial1_10000_5000 Panorama_hdr.hdr (1,1): Syntax error - expected '{' or '['
I seem to be having the same trouble. here is a screen shot of the error.
I have the same trouble too. :(
I'm happy to proceed manually until DAZ put out a correction (and have tracked down and loaded up some of the HDRs), but am not sure if there are other settings performed by the duf that also do not get done, assuming the script fails.
Guys, I just downloaded the DAZ files of my product, unzipped and not even placed in my library just clicked the duf files and the scene loaded in DS without issues since the files belong to the same folder and can be open from any directory on your system , I believe the DIM installation change the names of the HDRI files as the product is all OK
something is going on but not with the zip files but installation
from your screen I see that the duf call for the correct files , but I guess the names of the HDRI maps was altered by the instalation , I checked the zip and nothing is changed so it must be the instaltion that did this
Well that is odd, since the zip files have all correct no double spaces of the main folder and duf have the same , look on the folder structure
If you want DAZ files of my product as ZIP to install the product manually by dropping it into My Library folder send me PM with the order number and I will provide you with the link oft the files to download.
Just re-downloaded it from my product lib.
Open e.g. file ...\Content\Light Presets\MEC4D\HDRI Abandoned Industrial\Abandoned Industrial 1\MEC4D HDRI Abandoned Industrial 1 HIGH.duf in DSON Editor
Goto image_library -> map -> url and you see something like this:
Between HRDI and Abandoned are two %20 which is two blanks.
It's the parent directory, the last bit in the path name on the 'URL bar' at the top that has the extra space in my (and others' install), as shown by @CrimsonMagic above.
The double spaces really no matter here, all hdr files are in the same directory so it does no matter , download your zip files from the Product Library as I did and after you unzip click on the duf scene files and you will see it load everything even not installed in your My library, place all files in your favorite My Library but uninstall the DIM files before and don't overwrite, my own testers have the files and no problem for them or anybody else
I checked and compared the DAZ zip with the original and there is no difference
we used the last general version of DS , I have no idea why you get an error, is that DIM, is that your DS version . as long the .duf scene is in the same folder as the hdr file it will load from anywhere so please try to open it outside Daz Studio and confirm
Thank you and I hope this mystery gets solved soon
The files are indeed all in the same place, but if one (the .hdr) is requested or referred to via it's relative path from the base content library, and if that path has an invalid component (in this case dual spaces) then whatever is being looked for will not be found.
Opening one of the .duf file sup in WinRAR and peeking, I can see:
"image_library" : [
"id" : "MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial5_10000_5000 Panorama_hdr.hdr",
"name" : "MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial5_10000_5000 Panorama_hdr.hdr",
"map_gamma" : 1,
"map" : [
"url" : "/Light%20Presets/MEC4D/HDRI%20%20Abandoned%20Industrial/Abandoned%20Industrial%205/MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial5_10000_5000%20Panorama_hdr.hdr",
"label" : "MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial5_10000_5000 Panorama_hdr.hdr"
As you can see, for some reason the relative file name refereneced does contain the double spaces This alos occurs in the header portion of the file:
"file_version" : "",
"asset_info" : {
"id" : "/Light%20Presets/MEC4D/HDRI%20%20Abandoned%20Industrial/Abandoned%20Industrial%205/HDRI%20Abandoned%20Industrial%205%20HIGH.duf",
"type" : "scene",
"contributor" : {
"author" : "MEC4D",
"email" : "",
"website" : ""
"revision" : "1.0",
"modified" : "2017-06-15T05:40:30Z"
I edited this duf in Notepad++ and with a global replace 3 occurences of dual spaces were found and changed to a single space. The revised duf now works fine!
I talk to customers that purchased the product from DAZ today and many of them, they not experience any issues with it and installed with DIM
PLEASE send support ticket to DAZ as that is individual issue and I would like to know what is going on since not everyone have this issue
please go to my website, download latest HDR freebie and let me know if you get the same issue with , the names and paths are the same for most all HDR I make
drop it under your My Library and let me know, this is the only way to find out if the double spaces cause isues on your windows version or the long path name of the hdri
Ok, case raised (with a ref back to this thread), freebie 'bought', downlaoded, instaleld and ... working fine!
Got the freebie and it works fine but it does proove nothing because those .duf files do NOT contain the above mentioned double spaces (%20%20).
Even if the environment map is found and loaded anyway by DS, the double spaces in the product .duf files are responsible for the "Missing files" popup message.
I agree , but now I am sure what the problem is and can be fixed
I am working already on the fix and contacted DAZ
I have already updated DAZ file product and all fixes
drop me a PM if you don;t want to wait for DAZ to update it in DIM
The revised zip fixes the issues, so thanks, Cath!
Thank you Simon for bring it up to the light so I can fix it in time.
Oh dear - update va DIM has arrived, but upon downlaoding and installing (deleting what I had manually installing first) I go back togetting:
2017-07-02 14:49:54.018 D:/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Light Presets/MEC4D/HDRI Abandoned Industrial/Abandoned Industrial 1/MEC4D_Abandoned_Industrial1_4000_2000 Panorama_hdr.hdr (1,1): Syntax error - expected '{' or '['
2017-07-02 14:49:54.020 File loaded in 0 min 0.0 sec.
2017-07-02 14:49:54.020 Loaded file: mec4d hdri abandoned industrial 1 low.duf
And the hdr is not, actually, loaded. Will update the call.
And now I cannot open the duf file in WinRAR as it tells me is it in 'unknown format or corrupt'! postwork.