Realism vs. Cartoon appearances

Alright, I'll just come out with it... When are people in the DAZ community going to make realistic looking skins for the Genesis character? I mean, there are a couple that are 'pretty good' like DMR Kay from Vic 4 that look good at a distance but for close ups, everything on this site that I've seen looks like a cartoon.
When are you going to step up your game on the skins? Look at your own arm and then look at all the outdated skins on this page... Your not leading the way. Do You think any of these skins look real?
I would like some more realistic skins, and less idealized features on models (such as large eyes which predominate). Fortunately, I can dial my own features.
Great first post...
Seriously though, minus the aggression, there is nothing wrong with wanting realistic skin. That said, you are still dealing with a mass market system of 3D graphics, not a multi-million dollar platform for creating Hollywood level realistic characters.
There are several threads here in the forum where people are posting great renders that push the limits of realism. Take a look around.
You may also like the results you can get with the Reality plugin.
That said, there are plenty of realistic skins available for Genesis. And keep in mind that many Gen4 skins work fine with Genesis too.
A few I like:
Good luck!