Subsets/Assets/Presets/Actors and so on

ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
edited June 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

I'm trying to be a good boy and better organize my files, but I'm getting really cornfused.

Is there a tutorial somewhere that explains the different types of assets and what they mean? For example, if I have a character with morphs and hair and textures and clothing and I want to save the entire thing, I'm not sure if it's one of the following:

  • Scene
  • Scene asset,
  • Support asset,
  • Actor,
  • Scene subset,
  • Character preset,
  • Support asset/figure prop asset,
  • Other

HELP !!! smiley

Post edited by ebergerly on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,866

    A Scene saves everything, and when loaded by double-click it repalces the current scene. A Scene Subset allows you to choose what iss abved, and when loaded by double-click it is merged with the current scene. (You can right-click to choose Merge instead of Open or Open isntead of Merge with either.)

    Assets are the behind-the-scenes files that define raw content - unless you are creating a new figure, prop, morph etc. from raw data then you don't need those.

    A Character Preset saves shape and materials, and will load the figure if it is not applied to an existing figure.

    A Wearables preset allows you to save some or all of the items parented to the main figure, and optionally can save the main figure's pose or shape.

    All other presets save settings - the hierarchical versions can save settings for the base figure and some or all of the items parented to it.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Wow, this guy's awesome...

    And working on a Sunday, too. Thanks !!!

  • stitlownstitlown Posts: 294

    Correct, edergerly, Richard is awesome. ... and this answered my same 2021 question. Thanks Richard.

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