Daz Horse2 Shape Addon

I've bought the Starter Bundle of the Daz Horse2 mainly because the additional items in the Pro Bundle were not convincing to pay extra for them. But I've noticed that there are a few shapes more in the Pro Bundle and I thought, well I can get them later without the rest of the bundle. Well, no, I can't.
These shapes are simply not available as addons so I have to buy the whole Pro Bundle only to get five additional shapes? For the human figures there are nearly all important assets available in solo packages like character sets, textures and shapes. I can update a Starter Bundle in stages if I wish to. But for the horse I have to throw money away because I made the mistake to buy the Starter Bundle?
Or is there a way to get the horse updated without paying for half of the content twice?
If you open a Sales support ticket they may be able to arrange an upgrade price, though i can't promise that, which would at least stop you from paying for the starter bundle twice in effect..
Great! So you are stuck with your decision unless you pay twice? Who thought that would be a good idea?
Thanks for the advice. I may try that after my next paycheck.
I think it is strange that the horse does not include all the morphs. That's like getting Stephanie 5 and not get Stephanie 5 curvy.