Victoria 8 Pro bundle

I recently purchased the victoria Pro bundle pluas Victoria shapers. I have noted that while Voss Hair by  AprilYSH is there, but the shapes does not wotk the tabs she show in hints are also missing. Finally the added shapes for Victoria 8 are not showing up anywhere. Anyone else having this problem or am I just unique.


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    How did you install the products?

  • HadCancerHadCancer Posts: 10

    Used the DIM. I am going back to my original purchase to see if there is a manual install or something I missed, but definitiely not working it is as iff non of the morphs got loaded for the hair or the Vic 8

  • HadCancerHadCancer Posts: 10

    I reinstalled everything and it seems to work now...thanks

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