What software you guys use for creating Background/Environment/Places?

Hi guys, new guy here still learning about daz. I got the genesis 8 pro pack with free packs and all. I think i have enough content for creating characters but was still confused what to use with environment for my characters. I have to tell that i'm not an artist so drawing or scultpting softwares are useless for now but i still want to know about software i can use. 

1) I want to know what most people use for creating environment

2) Software that a noob can practice and learn which won't require years of training and can create good looking envirnment not some lame things. Better if cost less or is free.


  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    I use this https://www.daz3d.com/terradome-3-iray. It works inside Daz Studio.  I admit it was on sale when I bought it. Make sure it is terradome 3 addons and such, not 2 which is for poser.  Add them to your wishlist and check back often to see if there is a sale.  Also to save money on stuff here the Platinum club will pay for itself.  There was a sale not long ago and I was able to get old PC items for only $0.60 an item.  I bought the homestyle shaders for iray so I should be able to make that old stuff look newer with a new paint job so to speak.  Love those iray shaders, old items, cloths, buildings can get a facelift.

  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    I started doing this in 2014.  I joined the Platinum Club.  I went wild, looked at what I spent and hid for a bit a couple of times.  Right now, thanks to that sale I mentioned in large part, I have so much stuff I don't know what to do. I have 300 or so of my favorite things in my wishlist.  I use my platinum club coupons on items I really want. I check the wishlist every couple of days to see what is on sale and the freestuff section every monday.  I set myself a budget I can live with and I don't have run hide anymore.  There will always be another sale.  Stick to your budget, or make up for it the next week or month no matter what goes on sale and you'll be fine.  Because of the sales and coupons I spend between $6 and $12 on an outfit or hair that isn't a PC item, mostly they end up under $10.  Some venders put a lot into an outfit (Arki for one) and in that case I pay more.  Ofcourse I have tons of PC items but I don't have them all yet, not even close.  I am a collector though.  I love having lots of stuff.  The cheapest way is to just buy exactly what you need and want for each render or project when you need it and keep it about the work you are doing with it not all the pretty toys. Still I love my iray shaders.  I love having lots of choices and my usual budget for myself is $15 to $20 a week.  Way less than smoking. Beware the sales!  Budget!

  • I use this https://www.daz3d.com/terradome-3-iray. It works inside Daz Studio.  I admit it was on sale when I bought it. Make sure it is terradome 3 addons and such, not 2 which is for poser.  Add them to your wishlist and check back often to see if there is a sale.  Also to save money on stuff here the Platinum club will pay for itself.  There was a sale not long ago and I was able to get old PC items for only $0.60 an item.  I bought the homestyle shaders for iray so I should be able to make that old stuff look newer with a new paint job so to speak.  Love those iray shaders, old items, cloths, buildings can get a facelift.

    thanks for you suggestion thought it's good but it seems that not much customization can be done with this software. What i'm looking for is something that i can use to make stuff for what i imagine like if i want create a house, its room, a pool etc. 

  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197

    sounds like you need a modelling app,they all do the same thing so try out the demos and see which one suits you.

    I use 3dsmax,others are using Maya,C4d,Softimage,Modo,Blender(free) ,Hexagon,Zbrush

  • sounds like you need a modelling app,they all do the same thing so try out the demos and see which one suits you.

    I use 3dsmax,others are using Maya,C4d,Softimage,Modo,Blender(free) ,Hexagon,Zbrush

    Blender or hexagon which would you prefer?

  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197

    i haven't used either of them.Hexagon as I understand it is only a modeller where Blender offers more(animation,rendering etc)

  • edited June 2017

    i haven't used either of them.Hexagon as I understand it is only a modeller where Blender offers more(animation,rendering etc)

    ok thanks...i guess i'll learn blender for now.

    Post edited by pulkitluthrathegame on
  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057

    A couple of thoughts.

    First off, this is what Bryce is supposed to be really good at.  And it bridges with Daz.


    However, it's an older program, and I'm not sure how well it plays with Iray.  Perhaps someone with experience with Bryce can comment as to it's usefulness these days.  I bought it on sale, but haven't messed much with it yet (still learning a lot about Daz).

    I'm thinking that, at the very least, you should be able to make some stunning backdrops with Bryce.  The product promo pics, and addon product promo pics, look very nice!

    Secondly, you CAN manipulate various aspects of the elements in Terradome.  Besides being able to mix and match foreground and background features, you can always play around with D-Formers to alter the terrain/change the shape of terrain features. 

    If you should decide to go the Terradome route, start with Terradome 3, and (assuming you like Iray) get the Iray plugin.

    As for skydomes, that's another story, and I'll leave that to more experienced people than myself to talk about those.  I do have the TD3 Iray plugin, but I'm still struggling with those for some reason.  Probably because I feel the need to add the sun as a separate lighting source, to get the angle I need (still learning).


  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856


    Blender or hexagon which would you prefer?

    Bryce is amazing for creating 3d environments easily. 

    hexagon and blender will allow you to create swimming pools, houses etc, but easily? no, not at all. It will take a huge time commitment, and a good few tutorials, and you will pretty much be building it from scratch. You can't just click a house icon and a house appears. 

    Hexagon is simpler, more user friendly, but it's an abandoned project and is very limited.

    Blender is amazing, but the interface is clunky and it's difficult to learn, but once you know it you can do anything you want. It's well supported, and there is a huge community of people with many free tutorials available. I would recommend going on Udemy and buying a beginner course. Make sure it's as new as possible, because things change in blender all the time. (You can get any course on Udemy for $10-$15 if you look for coupons online.)

  • AdemnusAdemnus Posts: 744

    i haven't used either of them.Hexagon as I understand it is only a modeller where Blender offers more(animation,rendering etc)

    You are correct. Personally, I love Hex more than any other modeler, its ease of use is astonishing. But although it has no renderer, I just use....drumroll please... Daz Studio! Honestly, the combination is magnificent.

  • Ok thanks all...what now i'm gonna do is make character in daz as i was doing....house, interior..all related thing in blender and environment in bryce.

  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856

    Ok thanks all...what now i'm gonna do is make character in daz as i was doing....house, interior..all related thing in blender and environment in bryce.

    Here's a great bryce tutorial. Ten minutes to create that scene. 

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