Iray or 3Delight (assuming this si Daz Studio)? In Iray you can turn on Draw Ground in the Environment group in Render Settings>Environment, or you can use a Matte object but try Draw Ground first. In 3delight you need a ground object of some kind and - if you don't want it to be visible other than the shaows - a shadow catcher shader such as pwCatch.
Iray or 3Delight (assuming this si Daz Studio)? In Iray you can turn on Draw Ground in the Environment group in Render Settings>Environment, or you can use a Matte object but try Draw Ground first. In 3delight you need a ground object of some kind and - if you don't want it to be visible other than the shaows - a shadow catcher shader such as pwCatch.
I want my models to cast shadows on the floor and such but don't know which sliders to manipulate?? What to dial into what?
pwCatch is a shader that is specifically for allowing a surface to take shdows or reflection while being otherwise invisible . It is possible to make your own shader catcher shader in Shader Mixer, though i can't recall where the instructions are. Of course this assumes you want shadows and no visible ground - if you want to see the ground everywheer just use a plane primitive (Create>New Primitive) and make sure that your lights are using a shadow type other than None (ideally use RayTracing).
Iray or 3Delight (assuming this si Daz Studio)? In Iray you can turn on Draw Ground in the Environment group in Render Settings>Environment, or you can use a Matte object but try Draw Ground first. In 3delight you need a ground object of some kind and - if you don't want it to be visible other than the shaows - a shadow catcher shader such as pwCatch.
I want my models to cast shadows on the floor and such but don't know which sliders to manipulate?? What to dial into what?
I want my models to cast shadows on the floor and such but don't know which sliders to manipulate?? What to dial into what?
PW Catch??
pwCatch is a shader that is specifically for allowing a surface to take shdows or reflection while being otherwise invisible . It is possible to make your own shader catcher shader in Shader Mixer, though i can't recall where the instructions are. Of course this assumes you want shadows and no visible ground - if you want to see the ground everywheer just use a plane primitive (Create>New Primitive) and make sure that your lights are using a shadow type other than None (ideally use RayTracing).