Genesis 8 Female Body Morphs - how to use ?

I downloaded and installed the 'Genesis 8 Female Body Morphs' (also the '...Starter Essentials') but i can not see them anywhere.

How can i use them ?  I expected the additional Morphs to show up in the Menu on the right where i can change size of body parts etc...


  • If by menu you mean the Parameters or Shaping pane then yes, the morphs should appear there - under Actor if using the Parameters pane (which, being a catch-all, is a good palce to start). How did you install the content - DIM, Connect, or manually?

  • I installed it using DIM.  After it didn't work, i deinstalled everything (including DAZ Studio) and installed it once again.

    Now it looks like this:



  • Problem solved...  somehow i did not see the 'Shaping' pane.  Thanks for the hint.  smiley

  • Is that the image you meant to post? I thought it was in DS you were not finding the morphs.

  • i need help installing mine i cant find the character anywhere any help?


  • Is that the image you meant to post? I thought it was in DS you were not finding the morphs.

    i am having trouble finding the morphs

  • How did you install? Are you looking at the list of proeprties in the Parameters pane, mostly under Actor, with the figure itself selected?

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