Something wrong

in New Users
Using Caleb hair for V4.2 for example but does not matter what hair or people I use.I've tried all settings and render engines nothing changes.I believe this started with the G8 update that does not work for some reason.Any ideas would be appreciated.

979 x 907 - 1M
With the hair loaded and selected in the viewport, can you show us a screen capture of the settings with the Surfaces tab open? It almost looks as though the hair is set to be transparent.
Different pic eyelashes are the same.
Looking at your Surface settings, something doesn't look correct to me, although it is difficult to tell from the screen grab and you seem to have all of the surfaces selected. With only the "scalp" surface selected, what map is showing in the opacity strength channel (mousing over it will show the path to the image map). It should be using /Runtime/Textures/AprilYSH/AprilHair/aprcale_trans.jpg. Is that correct?
"I believe this started with the G8 update"
I assume here that you are referring to the latest DAZ Studio general release update, It isn't really a "G8" update perse, although it may contain enhancements that are specifically designed to work with the new model. It contains a number of improvements and bug fixes that are not specifically related to the new figure. If the changes are responsible for the issue I cannot confirm that as I have not installed the update myself. But lets explore other possibilities prior to the whole redownload and re-install everything approach that seems so popular when people can't think of anything else. Jumping to conclusions is always a mistake when troubleshooting.
I'm not seeing that in, it looks the same as it does in What are the exact steps to reproduce?